2020年10月26日 星期一

212 日本水墨画家「雪舟」Sesshu(1420-1506年) ;莊喆老師的「雪舟破墨山水図變奏11幅」(2020年10月27日夜 facebook 2020年10月27日夜直播介紹)

OUHK - 唐朝詩人寒山其詩及其傳奇之流佈


212 日本水墨画家「雪舟」(1420-1506年) 漢清講堂 2017-12-20

212 日本水墨画家「雪舟」(1420-1506年) 漢清講堂 2017-12-20 第9分起至18分


雪舟(せっしゅう、応永27年(1420年) -…
esshū Tōyō 1420-1506
A 16th-century copy of Sesshū's 1491 self-portrait
雪舟 等楊

東山魁夷1934年在柏林大學修日本美術史:...... 雪舟「秋冬山水」的小畫面,擴大映照在大螢幕,極具氣派。.......高度評價桃山時代的繪畫...... 「那樣的時代少有........」


Known as Landscape, this picture is an ink painting by Sesshu, one of the representative artists of fifteenth century Japan. In fact, the picture fills only the bottom part of the scroll. The remaining two thirds or so are filled with writing. Six priests wrote poems at the top and Sesshu himself wrote in the part in the middle, telling of his experience of crossing to China and studying there under court painters, and his thoughts towards his teachers. Tracing the steps by which Sesshu came to produce this work, we discover an era in which Zen priests performed an enormous cultural role. The art of ink painting flourished in the Zen temples, where the entirety of everyday life was regarded as religious practice. Sesshu, too, was a Zen priest and the poets who wrote on the scroll were all famous high-ranking priests of the day. The work testifies to the rich intellectual exchanges which took place between Zen priests in those times.

Prolific C15th artist Sesshu Toyo is called the father of Japanese ink painting. German-born Muho Noelke, a Zen abbot in Japan, visits Yamaguchi Prefecture in western Japan, a city that changed Sesshu's life. Here, Sesshu escaped Kyoto's culture of copying Chinese ink paintings and searched for his own style of expression. His works embody the Zen tenets and aesthetics that prevailed during the samurai age in which he lived. What he learned he imparted to his disciples. Even today they hold new discoveries.

緣起:Sesshu's World of Zen in Ink
Wikipedia 日文、英文

Sesshu's World of Zen in Ink

preview  blob:https://www3.nhk.or.jp/4140b2c5-7777-4ae9-a3da-3ff1a4766148

Sesshu Memorial Museum






世界平和会議で世界平和文化人 (1956):蘇聯、羅馬尼亞:郵票

Shōkoku-ji, studied painting under Shūbun








四季山水図(山水長巻)1486 (毛利博物館)(部分)




Splashed-ink Landscape(破墨山水 Haboku sansui), 1495

Huike Offering His Arm to Bodhidharma (1496)   慧可断臂図(斉年寺)

View of Ama-no-Hashidate (c. 1502–1505), 天橋立図(京都国立博物館)雪舟「天橋立図」を旅する/名画の中を歩くまち-天橋立・府中

***** 莊喆老師的「雪舟破墨山水図變奏11幅」(2020年10月27日夜 facebook 2020年10月27日夜直播介紹)

2005 莊喆《主題‧原象---莊喆 畫展》

2011,在某二手書店買到歷史博物館 的 主題原象---莊喆 畫展* (2005) 
末頁 「學歷」
2行 1963-73 執教於東海大學建築系 。
不知道是否有其他讓他感到,回東海會有"物非人非"之處?? 我想主要原因可能是東海建築或美術系的人跟他都關係淡了



雪舟破墨山水図變奏11幅 頁40-50
雪舟(せっしゅう、応永27年(1420 - 永正388(諸説あり)(1506))は、室町時代に活動した水墨画家・禅僧。「雪舟」は号で、(いみな)は「等楊」(とうよう)と称した。備中に生まれ、京都相国寺で修行した後、大内氏の庇護のもと周防に移る。その後、遣明船に同乗して中国()に渡り、中国の画法を学んだ。現存する作品の大部分は中国風の水墨山水画であるが、肖像画の作例もあり、花鳥画もよくしたと伝える。の古典や明代の浙派の画風を吸収しつつ、各地を旅して写生に努め、中国画の直模から脱した日本独自の水墨画風を確立。後の日本画壇へ与えた影響は大きい。現存する作品のうち6点が国宝に 指定されており、日本の絵画史において別格の高い評価を受けているといえる。このため、花鳥図屏風など「伝雪舟筆」とされる作品は多く、真筆であるか否 か、専門家の間でも意見の分かれる作品も多い。代表作は、「四季山水図(山水長巻)」「秋冬山水図」「天橋立図」「破墨山水図」「慧可断臂図」など。弟子 に、秋月、宗淵、等春らがいる。

現在我們可以在網路上觀賞莊喆老師的「雪舟破墨山水図變奏11幅」 (頁40-50)的原本

212 日本水墨画家「雪舟」(1420-1506年) 漢清講堂 2017-12-20    8分30秒處


我查國內兩本美術辭典中的「破墨」的解釋之後,我相信這是必須向日本再次「請回來」學習的,不只是此圖,因為我們讀日本的雪舟專著,知道這是他76歲的作品,而他年紀稍小時,另有「仿玉澗 (牧溪)的破墨畫」
(ぼく【破墨】 水墨画の技法の一。淡墨で描いた上に、さらに濃墨で手を入れて立体感や全体の趣などを表すこと。中国、盛唐前期に始まる。)

……說明我的目的。南宋畫家像馬逺、夏圭二位的簡約表現一直吸引我,輪郭與墨染之外,神妙的是在繪畫上的面與線竟能合而為一….. 「破墨山水」一幅對我更特別突出,因為這幅畫實已把山水結構做一次總結,視覺上山是上下縱的走向,而水是水平的橫,一豎一橫,放在正中央,真美而實的最基本兩條線,還能有其他更簡的形狀嗎……這幅的長與寬是直立的兩個正方體,所以用三竹寺分把山勢分成上中下。在三元空間表現距離正好又是遠、中、近三等分。山、樹、岩、岸、村舍、小舟就一次在這三等分中準確調配完成。簡與繁就這樣奇妙的融合在一起了。我想把這個解悟到的心得用不同的幅度來呈現。不同於原畫的水墨,我期望也把色彩的明暗度加進去,抽取出筆與染的純粹繪畫性,省略一切細節,既是「抽象」,又是「自然」。這完全也躲一再敗過去四十年想結合的,從古畫中看出現代,可能與可表現的究竟有多少?反覆推敲求證,在真實自然與已有的畫蹟中實際還埋藏無限生機。我相信這種雙限性的發展可以越過時空,無盡無限  (頁11)

Self-Portrait, 自"畫"像:Rembrandt; PAUL CEZANNE 、七等生等百名


2020 金馬影展 TGHFF | 削瘦的靈魂 A Lean Soul 


2020 金馬影展 TGHFF | 削瘦的靈魂 A Lean Soul
2020 金馬影展 TGHFF | 削瘦的靈魂 A Lean Soul
2020 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival 台北金馬影展 | 11.5 - 11.22 金


National Gallery of Art
“Sometimes the wood gives you a break and matches your conception of the way it is grained. But often you must surrender to the grain, find the movement of the scene, the mood of the work, in the way the grain runs.”
Antonio Frasconi was born in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1919 to Italian immigrants who had fled Italy during WWI. After working as a printer and illustrator in Uruguay, in 1945 Frasconi received a scholarship to the Art Students League in New York. Frasconi would stay in New York until he settled with his family in Norwalk, Connecticut, where he lived for the rest of his life.
As one of the most important woodblock artists of his time, Frasconi made some 3,000 prints and 100 artist’s and children’s books. Frasconi also made works that addressed social and political issues including “Los Desaparecidos” (The Missing), a book that honored the many Uruguayans that went missing during the country’s period of military dictatorship in the 1970’s and ‘80’s. #LatinxHeritageMonth
Antonio Frasconi, “Self-Portrait,” 1952, woodcut, 17 5/8 x 9 3/4 in., National Gallery of Art, Washington, Rosenwald Collection

Date: c.1872
Style: Impressionism
Period: Impressionist period
Genre: self-portrait
Media: oil, canvas
Location: Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Dimensions: 53 x 39.7 cm

74位藝術家,30000萬年前洞穴  Portraits: John Berger on Artists

Jean Fouquet, Self-portrait, c. 1450. Enameled copper, 6 cm. Musée du Louvre, Paris.

Self-Portrait with Death Playing the Fiddle by the Swiss artist Arnold Böcklin. 1872

Filippino Lippi, Self-portrait. Detail from The Dispute with Simon Magus (1481–1482). Fresco. Brancacci Chapel, Florence

Lucien Freud
Self-portrait, 1974
watercolour on paper
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Self-portrait in his Studio, by Claude Monet

Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita (1886 – 1968),
"Self-portrait with cat", 1926


Self portrait by Dutch painter Judith Leyster (1609–1660) 荷蘭女畫家自畫像

Luis Egidio Meléndez (1716–1780)

Self-portraits of Saul Steinberg

Sir Anthony van Dyck was born #onthisday in 1599.
This is one of three known self-portraits by van Dyck when he was in England, and probably dates to his later years. Take a closer look:

James Ensor, Self Portrait with Demons, lithograph, 1898

William Morris - Self-Portrait, c. 1856 181 x 184 mm Pencil Victoria and Albert Museum

Self-Portrait, 1940

Self-portrait, 1634,1637

In this finely detailed self-portrait from 1638, Rembrandt depicts himself in Renaissance dress, brilliantly evoking the textures of his velvet cap and his hair.
Curator Olenka Horbatsch takes a closer look at the details in his work you might have missed and explains what made the artist such a good storyteller in this blog: http://ow.ly/BsE230p87Zf

Rembrandt - King of Selfies

George Grosz (German, 1893-1959)
Remembering (Self-Portrait)(1936)
Oil on canvas, 71.2 x 91.8 cm

"Self portrait with bottles". Edvard Munch. 1938.
"Self portrait with bottles". Edvard Munch. 1938.

Jean Dubuffet
Autoportrait II, 1966
Marker on paper
Collection Fondation Dubuffet, Paris

Thames & Hudson and the Phaidon Press; The Self-Portrait: a Cultural History by James Hall 自畫像文化史

The Self-Portrait: a Cultural History by James Hall
288pp, Thames & Hudson

Self-Portrait, 2002
Lucian Freud    Self-Portrait, 2002 2004

Wassily Kandinsky


Young Man Greeted by Seven Liberal Arts

A War to End Wars" Self-Portrait by Sylvia Plath, Paper, February 26, 1946 Mortimer Rare Book Collection, Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts, © Estate of Sylvia Plath

Self-Portrait in Semi-Abstract Style by Sylvia Plath, Ink and gouache on paper c. 1946-1952 Estate of Robert Hittel, © Estate of Sylvia Plath

 事實上,人類是健忘的,歷史上已經發生過好幾次類似的災難。僅以歐洲為例,14世紀及17世紀的黑死病、1918年西班牙流感和2009年H1N1流感,死亡人數皆逾百萬。1918年大戰結束前後的流感導致法國詩人阿波里奈爾(Guillaume Apollinaire)及奧國畫家席勒(Egon Schiele)全家殞命,造成文藝界嚴重的損失。
 話說回來,在被閉門幽禁了半個地球的今天,我們要如何自力救濟?如何解決當下的文化生活?美術館提供線上瀏覽,但這豈能取代直接面對作品的展覽!圖書或網路所提供的畫面,一如在《米其林指南》(Guide Michelin)上的旅遊,索然無味。令人不禁聯想起孟克(Edvard Munch)1919年的一幅自畫像:當時染上流感的畫家,那種無奈等候的神情。
圖說:孟克 染上流感的自畫像 1919 油彩畫布 150×131cm 奧斯陸挪威國家藝廊藏(Photo: Nasjonalmuseet / Høstland, Børre)

, Lucia Freud, Reflection, 2004

Paula Modersohn-Becker, Self portrait, 1907

Self portrait Leonardo discovered a 2009 in Leonardo's Codex on the Flight of Birds, 1485


Camille Pissarro, Self Portrait, 1900

Sir Anthony Dyck , 1599~

Jan van Eyck, Portrait of a Man (Self Portrait?), 1433. 

Rogier van der Weyden - St Luke Drawing a Portrait of the Madonna, 1435

Leonardo da Vinci

Presumed portrait of Raphael

 Self-Portrait (1506)


The Last Judgment by Michelangelo

Albrecht Dürer, Self-portrait at the age of thirteen, 1484.

Self-Portrait " 1498 detail
By German renaissance artist Albrecht Dürer
Period: northern renaissance
Oil on panel
Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid

Albrecht Dürer, Self-portrait, 1500
The Alte Pinakothek 

Melencolia I is a 1514 engraving by the German Renaissance master Albrecht Dürer. 

Self-Portrait as the Man of Sorrows, 1522

Caravaggio's Self Portrait as Sick Bacchus

作者: 黃晨淳 2004

 在西洋繪畫史上,是從文藝復興時代才有明確的自畫像出現的。   起初都是在故事性的繪畫中,不著痕跡地也把自己畫進去。羅馬教廷梵諦岡有名的《雅典學院》一隅,拉斐爾把自己畫入就是一例,這就相當於畫家的署名。實際上貝諾卓‧喬卓里(Benozzo Gozzolic)在麥迪西宮殿牆上畫的《三博士朝聖》圖,甚至在繪入的自畫像的帽沿上註明了「貝諾卓的作品」等字樣。林布蘭畫質疑自己、審視自己的自畫像;梵谷的自畫像嚴肅悲愴,好像有股生命之火鬱結胸中,揮霍不出;而杜勒把自己畫成高貴的氣質,甚至如孤傲的高更一般自比為救世主耶穌基督。其他如羅特列克、夏卡爾、達利、芙烈達等畫家,有時更是跳脫出他們內在的自己,讓自己的想像力馳騁,把信仰、生活、夢想、理想都寫在自畫像上,因此,自畫像也算是藝術家所無心透露的心靈獨白吧。

501 Great Artists: A Comprehensive Guide to the Giants of the Art World, 2008, by Stephen Farthing (Editor)


man of papers
man of letters
同義?A male scholar or author.

Giuseppe Arcimboldo 

1526 or 1527 – July 11, 1593) was an Italian painter best known for creating imaginative portrait heads made entirely of objects such as fruits, vegetables, flowers, fish, and books.

叛逆者   (苗子 p.96) 梵谷同期人


Emperor of China: Self-Portrait of K'ang-hsi
by Jonathan D. Spence

梁丹丰 2000
梁丹丰(1935年-)是一位在台灣頗為知名的水彩畫家和散文作家,廣東順德人,出生於中國南京,曾於杭州藝專就讀,後移居台灣新北市永和區,曾任教於崇右技術 ...

(probably around 2600 - 2350 BC). 
漢詩注解 入矢義高訳注 『良寛詩集』 (講談社(数度刊行)。平凡社東洋文庫、2006年(平成18年)) 柳田聖山訳注 『良寛道人遺稿』 (中公クラシックス:中央公論新社、2002年(平成14年))

Hokusai, in an 1839 self-portrait;衛星電視台正在播出介紹 《新北齋展》向日葵」,解說員說,被認為是北斎的「自畫像」!

『八十三歳自画像』 天保10年(1842年)、

歌川 国芳/うたがわ くによし

青木 繁(あおき しげる、1882年(明治15年)7月13日 - 1911年(明治44年)3月25日)は日本の洋画家。号は香葩[1]。

自畫像,1928。 展方提供   藤田嗣治(1886 - 1968)


Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin
Self-portrait, 1820s

Anthony van Dyck, Self Portrait, c. 1621
The Alte Pinakothek 

Self-portrait by Félix Nadar, circa 1865 (Credit: Alamy)

Self-Portrait, 自"畫"像 

Max Ernst 

Self portrait, 1900,1905

Marcel Duchamp Self Portrait in Profile

Édouard Manet

Self Portrait with a Palette 

This modest self-portrait shows William Hogarth, born #onthisday 1697, painting Thalia, the Muse of Comedy. X-ray analysis reveals that the picture originally contained an image of his dog relieving himself against a pile of Old Master paintings.
Hogarth began painting in 1727, soon producing life-size portraits and 'comic histories' such as The Rake's Progress and Marriage à-la-mode.
In 1753 he wrote The Analysis of Beauty, which argued that shapes and colours in nature are geared towards 'entertaining the eye with the pleasure of variety.'

 Marcel Duchamp   Self Portrait in Profile

Robert Delaunay, 1905–06, Autoportrait, oil on canvas, 54 x 46 cm, Musée National d'Art Moderne, Paris;Sonia 1904 頃

Self-portrait by Kauffman, 1770–75
Self-Portrait as Imitatio. Pencil, 1771.
Maria Anna Angelika Kauffmann RA (30 October 1741 – 5 November 1807), usually known in English as Angelica Kauffman,[a] was a Swiss Neoclassical painter who had a successful career in London and Rome. Remembered primarily as a history painter, Kauffmann was a skilled portraitist, landscape and decoration painter. She was one of the two female founding members of the Royal Academy in London in 1768.[2][3]

 Le Brun
OnThisDay in 1774, Elisabeth Vigée le Brun became a member of the Académie Le Brun de St Luc. was a highly fashionable portrait painter, patronised particularly by Queen Marie Antoinette. Her painting ‘Self Portrait in a Straw Hat’ can be seen in Room 33: http://bit.ly/2yG4Rwe   NG

Hilma af Klint、1862 - 1944)

Artemisia Gentileschi
Self-Portrait as the Allegory of Painting, 
1593-  c. 1656

Angelica Maria Anna Catharina Kauffmann | Self-Portrait | Between 1780 and 1785

Self Portrait as Saint Catherine of Alexandria, NG
 Artemisia Gentileschi
ng  We are delighted to announce the acquisition of Artemisia Gentilsechi's 'Self Portrait as Saint Catherine of Alexandria'. This is the first painting by the artist to enter our collection. Artemisia Gentileschi is the most famous female painter of the 17th century and yet her work has not been represented in our collection until now. This painting becomes the first female portrait - and the first self-portrait - to form part of our Italian 17th-century collection. The painting is now undergoing conservation treatment, made possible with Art Fund support. Follow along on our social channels over the next few months using #NGArtemisia for regular updates on the painting before this spectacular painting goes on display in the Gallery: http://bit.ly/2KRIrhI

Berthe Morisot, Edouard Manet · 1872

Berthe Morisot, 1885
 OIL, 50 x 61 cm

59/5000 Berthe Morisot, photograph of an unknown photographer (1893-1894)
Berthe Morisot 1885 Self-Portrait   

Girl with child, 
Girl with child, 1902, by Paula Modersohn-Becker. Photograph: Heritage Images/Getty Images

 Paula Modersohn-Becker, 1906-07
The novelist Marie Darrieussecq's slim, enigmatic biography of the German Expressionist painter Paula Modersohn-Becker, Being Here Is Everything

She worked at fever pitch, producing 80 pictures in a year, and was dead by 31 – an intense and fragmentary account of a unique artist by Marie Darrieussecq

When Daniel Webster died—on October 24th 1852—his family found two gifts from Sarah Goodrich among his personal effects. A paintbox, and “Beauty Revealed: Self-Portrait”, a tiny painting of idealised breasts
The painting that revealed a love affair between a statesman and a portraitist
Webster died on this day in 1852
Daniel Webster was an American politician who served in the United States House of Representatives twice, representing New Hampshire and Massachusetts, served as a U.S. Senator from Massachusetts and ... Wikipedia
Born: January 18, 1782, Salisbury, New Hampshire, United States
Died: October 24, 1852, Marshfield, Massachusetts, United States
Previous offices: United States Secretary of State (1850–1852), MORE
Political party: Whig Party (1833–1852)
God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it.
There is always room at the top.
Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable.

Self-portrait, Tamara in a Green Bugatt

Tamara Łempicka (born Maria Górska; 16 May 1898 – 18 March 1980), also known as Tamara de Lempicka, was a Polish painteractive in the 1920s and 1930s, who spent her working life in France and the United States.


法赫雷妮薩.扎伊德(Fahrelnissa Zeid)——土耳其第一位女性現代藝術家。創作於1980年的自畫像〈過去的某人〉講述的是扎伊德對自我、地方的感知與認同。

Self-Portrait Exaggerating My Negroid Features(1981)
Adrian Margaret Smith Piper (born September 20, 1948) 

 Francesca Woodman,
slow-burning self-portraits, not selfie

Autoportrait Lithographie (1894)  L'Artiste : Marcellin Desboutin Portrait by Édouard Manet (1875)  L'Artiste : Marcellin Desboutin
Portrait by Édouard Manet (1875)

Allan Ramsay in old age by Michael Foye 1776

Portrait painter, Allan Ramsay, was born #onthisday 1713.
Ramsay completed his training in Rome and Naples. On his return to London in 1738 his only serious competitor was Thomas Hudson, with whom he shared a drapery painter, Joseph van Aken.
In 1761 it was Ramsay, not Reynolds, who was appointed Painter to the King. His later portraits are characterised by their soft colours and French elegance. He gave up painting in about 1770 to follow literary pursuits.
This self portrait was probably painted in Italy where Ramsey completed his training, and is an early example of his indebtedness to the vigour of the Italian baroque. It is currently on display in Room 12 of the Gallery.

木喰(もくじき 1718年 1810年 ) 
木喰仏 (現存数は626体......)

李梅樹(1902年3月13日-1983年2月6日)是一位台灣著名美術家、畫家、教授、議員,出生於日治臺灣桃仔園廳三角湧(今新北市三峽區),1947年曾主持重建三峽祖師 ...

Frederic Leighton, "Self-portrait", 1880
Frederic Leighton,  1830 – 1896,  English painter and sculptor. His works depicted historical, biblical, and classical subject matter.

Sketched self-portrait circa 1920

E. E. Cummings: A Life Paperback – April 28, 2015
by Susan Cheever  (Author)

Self-portrait of Jusepe de Riberaengraved by Hamlet Winstanley
ホセ・デ・リベーラ(José de Ribera, 1591年1月12日 - 1652年9月2日

The Kimbell has acquired an expansive painting by Pierre Bonnard, one of the most admired artists of the 20th century. Landscape at Le Cannet, 1928, which is over nine feet long, is the first Bonnard to enter the Museum’s collection. Its depiction of the colorful, sun-washed landscape surrounding the artist’s villa near Cannes, France also includes the artist’s self-portrait in the lower right corner. 

Chang Chaotang
夜深人靜 你可以打開電腦與音響
目不轉睛的盯著銀幕 跟著影片遨遊異質的寰宇時空
這部由 Yann Arthus-Bertrand執導 Armand Amar 譜曲的動人影片 婉娩細訴着人的樣貌與質素 大地的浩瀚與空茫 而不斷出現的臉孔特寫 他(她)們直瞪着你
展示自己的存在 似乎也應證了沙特這句話 : 「一個人是全人類造成的,他等於全人類,全人類等於他。」


續篇 :「人與土地」https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ozkxXUhbys


Focus sur l'une des oeuvres de l'exposition "En couleurs, la sculpture polychrome en France 1850-1910" :
- Henri Cros, "Prix du Tournoi " (1873)

Self-portrait at 69 Years by Francisco de Goya

Rembrandt created almost 100 self-portraits, about a tenth of his overall output 

Rembrandt, Self Portrait, 1659.
 National Gallery of Art, Washington

The source for one of them was "Rembrandt's self-portrait in a hat with an open mouth" (1630). This etching, like many other small self-portraits, was performed in Leiden. Studying the facial expressions of his face, the young artist learned to transmit various mental states by means of engraving, a new kind of art for him. In the clenched lips, frowning eyebrows, wrinkles above the bridge of the nose read anger, fright, amazement.

靈感倫勃朗自我肖像笑" (1630年)

Artist Rembrandt van Rijn was born #onthisday in 1606.
A Dutch draughtsman, painter, and printmaker, #Rembrandt is often considered one of the greatest visual artists in the history of art, and, in turn, the most important in Dutch art history.

Vermeer: artist in his studio

Jean-Honoré Fragonard
1732 1806

A detail from Diego Velázquez's Las Meninas

in 'Murillo: The Self Portraits' opens in Room 1. Marking the 400th anniversary of his birth, the exhibition reunites the two known ‘Self Portraits’ by the artist: one of Murillo in his thirties from The Frick Collection, 

Émile Henri Bernard (1868 – 1941)
Self-portrait with portrait of Paul Gauguin, Bernard, 1888.;Gauguin's counterpiece, same year, for same 'Vincent'.
Bernard's style was effective and coherent (see:woman at haystacks,) as can also be seen from the comparison of the two "portraits" Bernard and Gauguin sent to van Gogh at the end of September 1888 at the latter's request: self-portraits -at Gauguin's initiative- each integrating a small portrait of the other in the background. (ref. Druick 2001)

Wikipedia 的 畫家自畫像
Vincent van Gogh (Dutch, 1853–1890) | Self-Portrait with a Straw Hat (obverse: The Potato Peeler) | 1887

Self-Portrait (1887)
"It’s not good to know only one thing; it stultifies one. One shouldn’t rest until one also knows the opposite.' Vincent van Gogh (1888)

https://artsandculture.google.com/theme/hQKi1TqdrrgTIA  Camille Pissarro. “Self-portrait,” circa 1890
. 1830~ 903

Odilon Redon 1840~1916
Self-Portrait, 1880, Musée d'Orsay

比利時藝術家 James Ensor (1860-1949)1888年作品  1888魔鬼折磨我

Self-portrait, 1623, Royal Collection
Peter Paul Rubens (1557-1640  Possible self-portrait), c. 1620s

Cuno Amiet (1868 – 1961) 
created more than 4,000 paintings, more than 1,000 are self-portraits
, Swiss painter, illustrator, graphic artist and sculptor  .created more than 4,000 paintings, more than 1,000 are self-portraits

NG  Our free exhibition, 'Murillo: The Self Portraits' gives you the opportunity to appreciate the leading figure in Spanish 17th-century art, Bartolomé Esteban Murillo: http://bit.ly/2tx37Xg Shortly after Murillo's death, an engraving of one of his self portraits was commissioned in Brussels by his friend and patron Nicolás Omazur. The engraver, Richard Collin, made subtle changes to the composition: Murillo's hand is less prominent; the still-life elements have been removed; and the inscription now appears on a plaque. Click through to compare and contrast the two works.

Joseph Mallord William Turner (British, 1775–1851)
1799 自畫像

Self-portrait of Maurice Denis (1888/1916)

 Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s 1623 self-portrait
 George Bernard Shaw once wrote, “You use a glass mirror to see your face; you use works of art to see your soul” – and Bernini's self-portraits reflect something that exists in each one of us.

One of their highlighted works above with Glance past the future, displays how they transform Italian artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s 1623 self-portrait by superimposing Murakami’s character, Mr. DOB to affect a graphic blur of pink and black, like a desecrated street poster.

Jean Hugo (1894 – 1984) 
 painter, illustrator, theatre designer and author

George GROSZ, Self-portrait for Charlie Chaplin ink drawing, 1919


The Austrian Expressionist artist Egon Schiele and his wife, Edith, send a postcard featuring a Schiele self-portrait. Courtesy 

Egon Schiele: The Egoist (Egon Schiele: Narcisse échorché, coll. "Découvertes Gallimard",
Narcissus Echoed

Egon Schiele, Self Portrait 1914, 


Whereas Klimt had no interest in depicting himself (not a single self-portrait by him exists), Schiele’s self-portraits were numerous and often experimental, including this 'Self-portrait with Eyelid Pulled Down,' from 1910. 

marc chagall

kokoschka self portrait at seventy 1956

Cézanne painted his own portrait on a number of occasions throughout his career. From his appearance here, this portrait is datable to about the time of Renoir's pastel portrait of him, dated 1880 (private). The wallpaper with its diamond pattern appears in a number of Cézanne's still lifes.

Henri Matisse

Ilya Yefimovich Repin 1844~1930
1878  1887 1903

Oskar Kokoschka
Self Portrait with Alma Mahler;1917
Oskar Kokoschka   (1 March 1886 – 22 February 1980) 

 Josef Čapek,1887年 - 1945年

24歲 vs 22歲
Remembrances of St. Pelagie. (Souvenir de ste Pélagie)
Honore Daumier
Date: 1834
Style: Realism
Genre: genre painting
Media: lithography

George Cruikshank ( 1792 – 1878)
praised as the "modern Hogarth" during his life

Albert Hirschfeld (June 21, 1903 – January 20, 2003) 
in 1943, he married Broadway actress/performer Dolly Haas.

Amedeo Modigliani
Pencil on cream paper

edvard munch self portraits

Pound commissioned this sculpture from Henri Gaudier-Brzeska in 1913.
Henri Gaudier-Brzeska, 1914, Boy with a Coney (Boy with a rabbit), marble

Self-portrait, 1913 1909
Born 1891
Henri Gaudier

William Hogarth by Roubiliac, 1741, National Portrait Gallery, London
Self-Portrait by Hogarth, ca. 1735, Yale Center for British Art.

William Hogarth, Painter and his Pug, 1745

Hogarth Painting the Comic Muse. A self-portrait depicting Hogarth painting Thalia, the muse of comedy and pastoral poetry, 1757–1758

The Little Pastry Cook by Chaim Soutine, c 1927
The Little Pastry Cook by Chaim Soutine, c 1927. Photograph: Christie's Images, London/Scala, Florence

‘A glaring golem of animated flesh’: Butcher Boy, c 1919-1920, 
Chaim Soutine.
‘A glaring golem of animated flesh’: Butcher Boy, c 1919-1920, Chaim Soutine. Photograph: © Courtauld Gallery, Simon Capstick-Dale (New York)

 ‘Energy stuffed into a servile suit’:
Chaim Soutine.
 ‘Energy stuffed into a servile suit’: Chaim Soutine’s Bellboy at The Courtauld Gallery. Illustration: © Courtauld Gallery / Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris

Chaim Soutine.
Amedeo Modigliani,

Self Portrait, 1918,
Chaim Soutine.

【關於尼德蘭樂派 3】Music Pad 古典音樂史上的今天

Josquin Des Prez: Missa l'Homme Armé Super Voces Musicales 1. Kyrie

From September 29 to October 29, the Central Exhibition Hall "Manege" will organize an exhibition called "70. SO_PRE_SHASTNOST.Leningrad art of the 1970s."
Among the works provided by the State Hermitage is the self-portrait of Anatoly Belkin (paper, ink, 1974).
Anatoly Belkin is a modern Petersburg artist, in 2004 his exhibition "Gold of the marshes. Own version" devoted to the marshes and their inhabitants was held in the General Staff building. Then the artist created a series of "archaeological" findings with the assistance of the Department of Archeology of Eastern Europe and Siberia of the State Hermitage.

Pen and wash
Extracts from Klee's Diaries. Juvenile Self-Portrait – Free, 1910.

Paul Klee Self Portrait 1911

Absorption, self-portrait by Paul Klee, 1919

Oleksandr Bogomazov, Self-portrait, 1915

Evolution of Picasso’s Iconic Self-Portraits From Age 15 to 90
15 Years Old (1896)

Picasso's Self-Portrait series

Picasso 90 years  old man Bigger Message


Paul Klee, 1898 pencil on paper, 13.7*11.3 cm
Pablo Picasso,1899-90, charcoal on paper, 22.5*16.5 cm    1900?

1901 20歲





35 Years Old (1917)

1972   (June 30, 1972)
90 Years Old (June 28, 1972)

Henri Matisse Self-Portrait in a Striped T-shirt (1906)

1908 (with slice of Pepperoni Pizza),    1910

Marc Chagall Self Portrait with 7 Fingers





56 Years Old (1938)

83 Years Old (1965)

85 Years Old (1966)

89 Years Old (1971)

90 Years Old (July 2, 1972) July 3

Self-Portrait · Musketeer (Male)


The art of D.H. Lawrence

by Sagar, Keith M

Publication date 1966
Topics Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert), 1885-1930
Publisher Cambridge, C.U.P.

June 1929
Red Crayon
‘I did myself a drawing of myself in sanguine. Alas drawing my own face is unpleasant to me.’
Frontpiece of uncensored
After Pansies was intercepted and confiscated by government officials in 1929 on the grounds it was "obscene", Lawrence produced another copy.

William Faulkner’s self portrait, 1956.
born in 1897 in New Albany, Mississippi, where his father was then working as a conductor on the railroad built by the novelist’s

Antonin Artaud, 1947
Antoine Marie Joseph Artaud, better known as Antonin Artaud(French: [aʁto]; 4 September 1896 – 4 March 1948), was a French dramatist, poet, essayist, actor, and theatre director, widely recognized as one of the major figures of twentieth-century theatreand the European avant-garde.

Self-Portrait in Semi-Abstract Style by Sylvia Plath, Ink and gouache on paper c. 1946-1952 Estate of Robert Hittel, © Estate of Sylvia Plath

Andy Warhol, "Self-Portrait," 1986
 synthetic polymer paint and silkscreen ink on canvas, National Gallery of Art, Washington

Self-portrait, New York City, c. 1950s
Vivian Dorothy Maier (1926 – 2009) was an American street photographer.

Lyonel Feininger
Self-Portrait, 1915

From Cartoons to Cubism

Eduardo Chillida ( 1924 – 2002) :Toleranz durch Dialog 等

Francis Picabia 1879~1953

The self-portrait may be the visual genre most identified with our confessional era, but modern artists are far from the first to have explored its power and potential. In this broad cultural survey of the genre, art historian and critic James Hall brilliantly maps the history of self-portraiture, from the earliest myths of Narcissus and the Christian tradition of “bearing witness” to the prolific self-image-making of today’s contemporary artists.Hall’s intelligent and vivid account shows how artists’ depictions of themselves have been part of a continuing tradition that reaches back centuries. Along the way he reveals the importance of the medieval mirror craze; the explosion of the genre during the Renaissance; the confessional self-portraits of Titian and Michelangelo; the biographical role of serial self-portraits by artists such as Courbet and van Gogh; themes of sex and genius in works by Munch, Bonnard, and Modersohn-Becker; and the latest developments of the genre in the era of globalization.Comprehensive and beautifully illustrated, the book features the work of a wide range of artists including Alberti, Caravaggio, Dürer, Emin, Gauguin, Giotto, Goya, Kahlo, Koons, Magritte, Mantegna, Picasso, Raphael, Rembrandt, and Warhol.

大師"林布蘭"的遺留下來的:油畫650 件(含自畫像60件),然而據說美國有4千多件。
Rembrandt: The Master and His Workshop: Paintings (National Gallery London Publications) [Christopher Leslie Brown, Jan Kelch, Pieter van Thiel]2主題是PAINTINGS,396頁: 英國版,耶魯版同。另一冊 Drawings and Etchings, 288頁 ;此兩冊是90年代初再訪英國時所買的。
Rembrandt and the Italian Renaissance (English) Hardcover – Illustrated,1966 Kenneth Clark (Author)等數本。
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