2020年10月10日 星期六

Trees;樹木: 樹影

Crisp clean lines and defined shadows gives this autumn scene a sunny day. ‘The Village Homes of England ‘ by Sydney R Jones. (1881-1966)

 people could identify a tree by its susurration, the sound of leaves in the wind.
Thomas Hardy wrote that people could identify a tree by its susurration, the sound of leaves in the wind.
Writer Bob Gilbert listens and hears how poets and musicians capture this



The title of Tacita Dean's 'Majesty' 2006 is taken from the name of the tree it depicts -- one of the largest and oldest complete oak trees in England which stands at around 19 metres tall and is completely hollow. It has been growing for centuries on an estate in Kent, alongside two smaller giant oaks known as Beauty and Stately.  https://bit.ly/2UqnC42

"Trees are sanctuaries. Whoever knows how to speak to them, whoever knows how to listen to them, can learn the truth. They do not preach learning and precepts, they preach, undeterred by particulars, the ancient law of life."
This beautiful excerpt comes from Hermann Hesse's collection of fragments 'Wandering: Notes and Sketches". Literature Laureate Hermann Hesse speaks about the power and the beauty of the nature and trees.

5-Foot-Tall Hand-Crocheted Tree “Grows” Inside Zurich’s Central Train Station



 identify a tree by its susurration, the sound of leaves in the wind.

They also chat, count and have memories...
Natural History Museum, London   一億三千萬年化石

Trees: nature's greatest invention.
📕 Read more: https://wef.ch/2oM9HZt



The giant oak in Liverpool which dates back to the Middle Ages 

聖家族教堂的教堂中殿有一個雙曲面拱頂。 靈感來自大自然的一棵樹,柱子和樹枝象徵著樹木上升到屋頂。
The nave in the Sagrada Familia with a hyperboloid vault. Inspiration from nature is taken from a tree, as the pillar and branches symbolise trees rising up to the roof.

Location: Portland, Oregon   200 YEARS OLD CHERRY TREE

A study of marula trees in the Kruger National Park found that bush fires protect damaged trees from marauding ants

Gustav Klimt
"Apple Three I"

"The trees encountered on a country stroll / Reveal a lot about that country’s soul…"

Giant fig tree from the Big Scrub.
Northern New South Wales, Australia, 1953.

Giving nature a little hug back: This installation, titled "Tree Hug" is the creation of French artist Christophe Guinet (Monsieur Plant)! 

Gustav Klimt - Pine Forest


Georges Seurat

Georgia O’Keeffe
The Chestnut Grey, 1924
Oil on canvas

The old tree goes by many names, and has inspired its fair share of legends and lore. One such legend claims that witches once gathered here, with their rituals and ceremonies stunting the tree's growth and warping its shape.

If you’re looking for gold, look in trees
Prospecting for gold by looking for it in leaves has finally proved itself commercially in Australia
Trees offer an alternative that is finally bearing fruit in Australia. The idea has been around since the 1940s but, until now, never practical. Some trees have roots that reach deep underground, drawing up water and, along with it, tiny quantities of minerals that end up distributed throughout the tree. In this way, even lofty leaves bear traces of what lies far beneath. The quantities are minuscule. In areas where there is no gold, leaves may have a background level of 0.15 parts per billion (ppb) of gold; on gold-rich sites that can rise to 4ppb.


Ben Chen

Gustave Caillebotte


Birch Forest I 1902 

Siegfried rides through a forest in a scene from Fritz Lang's epic film 'die Niebelungen' from 1924 

"The Golden Forest" 1903 Gustav Klimt 
Arthur Rackham. for the Brother Grimm.

Gustave Courbet

The Oak of Flagey (The Oak of Vercingetorix), 1864


銀杏樹,距今已有2500年澳大利亞德比外圍的猴麵包樹,據信已有1500年樹齡。它被當地土著用來存放人骨遺骸,作為安息之所。 Diane Cook/Len Jenshel

[BSプレミアム]3月8日(金) 午後7:30~8:00
“神様の木に会う” 地上最大の生命体、巨樹。
幹の中が空洞? 日本一の巨樹の神秘。
あの木なんの木? 熊本の日本一美しいクスノキ、新緑の傘のような姿にうっとり。
瀬戸内海の人口17人の小さな島が大賑(にぎ)わい! 摩訶(まか)不思議な形で島を守る巨樹。

2019.2.18  我猶疑是否該守株待鼠 它瞬即闪進,

The Harvard Crimson 2019.2.19
Why Love a Tree

后里月眉 千年樟


樹 靜默.....

Ancient trees, scientists say, were way more complicated, with hundreds of “mini trees” inside the trunk of single large trees.

This is a stunning sunset photograph. It was sent to us by Julie Reid who took it at Mutters Moor in Sidmouth, Devon.

[清] 袁枚


周作人翻譯《伊索寓言》 252
《士師記 /民長紀:Chapter 9》

2017 合歡山

Adansonia is a genus of deciduous trees known as baobabs. 

How trees secretly talk to each other

Trees talk and share resources right under our feet, using a fungal network nicknamed the Wood Wide Web. Some plants use the system to support their offspring, while others hijack it to sabotage their rivals.
Wood World Wide

The trees are coming into leaf
Like something almost being said;
The recent buds relax and spread,
Their greenness is a kind of grief.

Is it that they are born again
And we grow old?
 No, they die too,
Their yearly trick of looking new
Is written down in rings of grain.

Yet still the unresting castles thresh
In fullgrown thickness every May.
Last year is dead, they seem to say,
Begin afresh, afresh, afresh.

樹冠避羞(Crown Shyness)是指某些森林裡的樹木相互禮讓,彼此的枝葉互不接觸,即使空間極度擁擠,樹冠亦不會交叉重疊,而是各自找尋生長空間,因此在樹冠之間形成河流般的間距,像拼圖一樣美麗 : )


Happy Summer Solstice!
'The cowslips tall her pensioners be;
In their gold coats spots you see;
Those be rubies, fairy favours,
In those freckles live their savours:
I must go seek some dew-drops here,
And hang a pearl in every cowslip's ear.' 
- A Midsummer Night's Dream (1595–6) act 2, sc. 1, l. 10 by William Shakespeare

由義大利知名繪本作家及專業編輯選集世界上樹主題相關的著名優美詩作或 2017   積木出版社

David Nash planting Ash Dome in 1977.

David Nash, Ash Dome (1977-ongoing). Photo courtesy of the artist.

The British sculptor is resigned to the fact that his circle of ash trees will not outlive him because of a deadly fungus.

It was around 1830 that the Royal Navy realized Visingsö had nearly perfect conditions for lumber production.

清沈復*《浮生六記·浪游記快》:“ 海幢寺規模極大,山門內植榕樹,大可十餘抱,蔭濃如蓋,秋冬不凋。”

For over a decade, photographer Beth Moon has made it her mission to document the biggest, oldest, and rarest trees around the world. The results not only speak to their age, but the delicate duality of their existence—they appear powerful, yes, but they are also vulnerable to the environmental elements and human intervention. (via My Modern Met)

The Great Western Red Cedar
The Strangler Fig

「棲蘭神木秘境」 華麗唯美,詮釋了神木群春夏秋冬的壯闊身影, 也為渺小的人類,尋找生命答案,此刻就在羅東與你相遇一森一勢~~https://www.newsmarket.com.tw/mag/1890

Betty Kenny's Tree
This 2,000-year-old tree inspired the nursery rhyme "Rock-a-bye Baby."  

Deep within the Shining Cliff Woods stand the splintered remains of an ancient yew tree known as Betty Kenny’s tree. Centuries before vandals set the mighty plant ablaze, the roughly 2,000-year-old tree inspired a nursery rhyme still crooned to infants today.


Top 10 books about trees


樟樹大神木 樹齡大約1600年 

Asher Brown Durand, "Forest in the Morning Light," c. 1855, oil on canvas, National Gallery of Art, Washington, Gift of Frederick Sturges, Jr.




The Hidden Life Of Trees
Peter Wohlleben

國立臺灣歷史博物館 National Museum of Taiwan History新增了 2 張相片。
13小時 · 
☞ 有故事的樹之一:守護家門的眷村老樹 https://goo.gl/sxLCxS

台灣杉,在地球上存在超過億年, 有活化石之稱, 也是全球唯一以「台灣」作為「屬名」的植物, 是東亞最高的樹種之一, 魯凱族以「撞到月亮的樹」稱呼它! - 這次在 台北植物園 Taipei Botanical Garden 舉辦的台灣杉特展, 展出臺灣杉在百年前被發現的歷程, 以及去年澳洲 The Tree Projects 拍攝團隊來台拍攝台灣杉等身照的拍攝過程, 2公尺高的臺灣杉等身照燈箱更是本次展覽的一大亮點✨✨✨ 一起來揪好友來看展,認識台灣杉😉 - 地點:台北植物園 腊葉館 展覽日期:2018/03/10-09/30(週一、二休館) 展覽資訊:https://goo.gl/CphqSd 同場加映: 台灣杉等身照拍攝影片👉https://goo.gl/JGhybi - 圖片來源:台北植物園

Photo By Floyd Stewart

A branch from a massive new family tree shows 6000 relatives spanning seven generations, with marriages in red.

What can geneticists learn from the world's biggest family tree?

Among the 127 trees in the new Kimbell East Parking area is the John Peter Smith Oak, a noted Fort Worth Heritage Tree long cared for by the Kimbell Art Foundation. The centuries-old, sprawling oak is now a focal point of the area and enjoys a new environment designed for the tree’s long-term health.
The Kimbell Art Foundation thanks the extraordinary professionals at Preservation Tree Services for their excellent care of the Kimbell campus’s lush canopy of trees, including the JPS Oak.


 英國Lyme Regis 地方及小說家 John Fowles的地方簡史和其二百多年 Belmont House

"The chairs grow upside-down, their four legs stretching up toward the sky." 
A Forest of Furniture Is Growing in England

A decade-long plan is finally approaching fruition.

(影片來源:The Tree Projects )

昨天 8:54 · New Taipei City Taipaili · 

Hakkoda #2, Tokhiro Sato, 2009 © Tokihiro Sato, Courtesy Leslie Tonkonow Artworks + Projects

Trim The Tree, Sheva Fruitman, 1996 © Sheva Fruitman


A huge mango tree serves as the village center in Naunde, Mozambique. Under its branches, people tell stories, make marriage arrangements and resolve land disputes. On their visit, the photographers mainly found children playing. "General elections were coming up, so community meetings were banned by the government because they were afraid of groups trying to overthrow them," says Diane Cook.
Diane Cook and Len Jenshel

A road runs straight through Bunut Bolong, a sacred banyan tree in West Bali. Engineers insisted the land the tree grew on was the best place for the road, so Hindu worshippers — who are forbidden from cutting down holy trees — prayed for forgiveness for the giant hole. "Even though this is a busy roadway in steep terrain, people actively come and worship this tree," says Diane Cook.
Diane Cook and Len Jenshel

Mexican children on a school field trip admire this Montezuma cypress — said to be the widest (138 feet in circumference) and oldest (1,200 to 3,000 years) tree of its kind. Authorities diverted a major highway to spare the tree and dug a deeper well because of disappearing swampland. "We kept thinking, would they do all this in America for a tree?" says Len Jenshel.
Diane Cook and Len Jenshel

To remember the children killed at this monkey pod tree by Cambodia's Khmer Rouge, visitors hang bracelets on the bark — woven threads, embroidered cloth, leather and beads. "It's hard to escape the feeling of death when you're there, despite this very green, park-like setting," says Diane Cook.
Diane Cook and Len Jenshel

This 170-foot-tall kauri tree is found in the remote Waipoua Forest of New Zealand and is sacred to the Maori people. "Tane Mahuta [the tree's name] is translated as 'Lord of the Forest,'" says Len Jenshel. "We wanted to make the tree regal, like a lord."
Diane Cook and Len Jenshel


高雄空拍八老樹 360度寫故事 | 台灣百寶鄉 | 地方 | 聯合新聞網

附近敦化南路? 秋10.1

中國建築師張軻,標準營造建築事務所創辦人,獲得了2017年度阿爾瓦爾•阿爾托獎(Alvar Aalto Medal)



蔡珠兒在納米比沙漠。 9月3日 18:46 · Namibia Erongo Region 斯瓦科普蒙德 ·  死亡谷是老樹古墓。


城鄉歲月 What Time is This Place?: 英國Lyme Regis 地方及小說家 John Fowles的地方簡史和其二百多年 Belmont House


Crown shyness, a naturally occurring phenomenon, results in crack-like gaps in the tree canopy.

2017.8.15  At least 12 people have been killed when they were crushed by a falling tree during a religious festival on the island of Madeira, local media reports. 南崗300歲神樹大樟公罹病 福田樹木醫院公益救援




Trees have always been emblematic, as seen in this ancient engraving of winged protective spirits and the sacred tree of life. (Credit: Heritage Image Partnership Ltd/Alamy)

The woodland of David Hockney’s native Yorkshire inspired his series of iPad drawings and paintings, including Three Trees near Thixendale from 2008 (Credit: Alamy)

“Hockney makes quite common trees seethe with energy and brilliant, unexpected colour,” says author Fiona Stafford, as in Felled Trees on Woldgate from 2008 (Credit: Alamy)

German artist Anselm Kiefer frequently depicted forbidding forests and woods in his paintings, such as in this detail from Resurrexit 1973 (Credit: Peter Horee/Alamy)

. (Credit: Peter Adams Photography Ltd/Alamy)
Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky." - Kahlil Gibran 

Tree hugging is derived from an incident near Jodhpur in the 1730s, when a group of women staged a protest to save their woodland, and lost their lives (Credit: Cultura RM/Alamy)

 ‘One in three people surveyed could not identify an oak tree.’ The Thicks, Staverton forest, Suffolk. Photograph: UIG via Getty Images

"The tree meant something more time-bound to humans, though, and, like a playboy worn down by the party circuit, bore the traces of a personable past."
That’s what the tunnel tree in Big Trees State Park meant to me: the function of eternity to graduate the progress of a life.

2017.7.24   Any tribute I could give the tunnel tree, which collapsed last week in a winter storm, would be fatuous; the tree was older than the language in which I can write.

Dresden's City Trees=275 natural trees
A steal at just $25,000 each...

上下游 News&Market 


Treated for Fungal Infection

400 Year Old Engelmann Oak Tree Notification

One of Georgia O'Keeffe's most evocative paintings is "The Lawrence Tree". 

樹種:杉樹(Cryptomeria japonica 柏科杉亞科杉屬)
樹圍:16.1m 樹高:30m 樹齡:2000年以上

樹種: 刺柏(Juniperus chinensis 柏科刺柏屬)
生長地:郵遞區號761-4122 香川縣小豆郡土莊町上莊北山412

樹圍:17.3m 樹高:17.5m 樹齡:相傳為1500年

樹種:樟樹(Cinnamomum camphora 樟科肉桂屬)
生長地:郵遞區號769-1109 香川縣三豐市詫間町志志島172
樹圍:11.64m  樹高:28m  樹齡:相傳為1200年

A walk in a spring bluebell wood, with the cobalt blue mist and the sweet smell, epitomises the very best of spring in Britain CREDIT: FOTOLIA/AP


Van Gogh, Trees and Undergrowth, July 1887. Oil on canvas, 46.2 x 55.2 cm. Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam.

Read the running order and listen live


Trees are said to absorb about 10% of Europe's carbon emissions every year


10 most magnificent trees

In a limited engagement, the fireflies blink in sync in the Great Smoky Mountains

The national park has to manage the crowds with a lottery. Mark your calendars for next spring.

the center of population of tree species shifted
Where the center of population of tree species shifted between 1980 and 2015 

A beautiful animation of Philip Larkin’s The Trees


The trees are coming into leaf
Like something almost being said;
The recent buds relax and spread,
Their greenness is a kind of grief.
Is it that they are born again
And we grow old? No, they die too,
Their yearly trick of looking new
Is written down in rings of grain.
Yet still the unresting castles thresh
In fullgrown thickness every May.
Last year is dead, they seem to say,
Begin afresh, afresh, afresh.

The Trees, by Philip Larkin

The Trees, by Philip Larkin The trees are coming into leaf Like something almost being said; The recent buds relax and spread, Their greenness is a kind of grief. Is it that they are born again And we grow old? No, they die too, Their yearly trick of looking new Is written down in rings of grain. Yet still the unresting castles thresh In fullgrown thickness every May. Last year is dead, they seem to say, Begin afresh, afresh, afresh.

6000-year-old baobab tree in Senegal (Posted: 04-03-2017, 02:05 AM)


攀上70公尺高「撞到月亮的樹」 澳洲團隊

The Tanglewood Music Festival

清沈復《浮生六記·浪游記快》:“ 海幢寺規模極大,山門內植榕樹,大可十餘抱,蔭濃如蓋,秋冬不凋。”

Could We Construct Skyscrapers Inside Dying Trees?
The project, called Tribute: The Monument of Giant, is a conceptual scheme to construct towers inside the hollowed-out trunks of giant sequoia trees in the Pacific Northwest



“Becoming a Redwood” 
Dana Gioia’s poem

The Basking Ridge Oak in healthier times. 
Basking Ridge, New Jersey, is saying goodbye to one of its oldest and most famous residents: a 600-year old oak tree.




Allee im Park von Schloss Kammer, 1912 by Gustav Klimt.

樹種:紅枝垂櫻(Cerasus spachiana f. spachiana  薔薇科櫻屬)
生長地:郵遞區號963-7714 福島縣田村郡三春町大字瀧字櫻久保296
樹圍:7.9m 樹高:19m 樹齡:1000年

樹種:山櫻(Cerasus jamasakura 薔薇科櫻屬)
生長地:郵遞區號270-1603 千葉縣印西市吉高930
樹圍:6.85m 樹高:10.6m 樹齡:300年以上 (解說牌上的數值)

樹種:江戶彼岸櫻(Cerasus spachiana var. spachiana forma ascendens  薔薇科櫻屬)
生長地:郵遞區號719–3157 岡山縣真庭市別所2277
樹圍:7.6m 樹高:18m 樹齡:700年

Paul Cézanne,"The Big Trees "-1904
Scottish National Gallery

