2021年6月29日 星期二

上有天堂,下有La Samaritaine.......恭賀繆詠華(Miao Yung Hua) 女士榮獲 "2018年台法文化獎";繆詠華在漢清講堂: 2014 「譯藝獎」、介紹法國龔古爾文學獎、巴黎地鐵印象:Métro de Paris 2017、翻譯《小王子》(Le Petit Prince)2017、巴黎文學散步 繆詠華2017

😀令人引頸期盼的重生!Une Renaissance très attendue : La Samaritaine, édifice emblématique situé au cœur de Paris, a rouvert ses portes 🤩
位於巴黎市中心、極具代表性的莎瑪麗丹百貨,歷經16年整修後, 終於在本月以華麗婀娜的姿態重現世人面前!
法式時尚和美妝等著慕名而來的顧客推門而入,探索這座第二帝國時代的璀璨建築。還不只這樣呢!法國總統馬克宏在他6月21日的推特說:« 這是一座符合19世紀末精神的大型百貨,内部還加建了托兒所和社會住宅。共創造了3000 個就業機會!我們的歷史建築仍然生命盎然!
📸 C. Archambault / @afpphoto ⁣


La Samaritaine
Image dans Infobox.
Vue des magasins 2 et 1 de La Samaritaine depuis l'île de la Cité.
Typegrand magasin
Emplacement1er arrondissement de ParisParis
Flag of France.svg France
ArchitecteFrantz JourdainHenri Sauvage
SloganOn trouve tout à La Samaritaine
Site webdfs.com/fr/samaritaine

La Samaritaine (French pronunciation: [la samaʁitɛn]) is a large department store in Paris, France, located in the first arrondissement. The nearest métro station is Pont-Neuf, directly in front at the quai du Louvre and the rue de la Monnaie.[1] The company was owned by Ernest Cognacq and Marie-Louise Jaÿ who hired architect Frantz Jourdain to expand their original store.[1] It started as a small apparel shop and expanded to what became a series of department store buildings with a total of 90 different departments.[1] It has been a member of the International Association of Department Stores from 1985 to 1992.[2]

It is currently owned by LVMH, a luxury-goods maker. The store, which had been operating at a loss since the 1970s, was closed in 2005 purportedly because the building did not meet safety codes.[3] Plans for redeveloping the building involved lengthy complications, as the representatives of the store's founders argued with new owners LVMH over the building's future as a department store or a mixed-use development.[4] After seven years of renovation, it has reopened to public on 23 June 2021, having been previewed by the French President Emmanuel Macron journalists the days before.[5] Its retail offerings targeted at affluent consumers, restaurants, and a boutique hotel that includes a penthouse suite with its own private swimming pool.[6] The building has been listed since 1990 as a monument historique by the French Ministry of Culture.[7]

Construction history[edit]

Plan of Magasins


🎉🎉Félicitations à Josiane Cauquelin, Miao Yung-hua 繆詠華 et Lukas Hemleb, lauréats 2018 du Prix culturel franco-taiwanais!🍾🥂
👉法國國家科學研究中心附屬東南亞中心名譽研究員-猶安娜‧高葛蘭 (Josiane Cauquelin) 👏👏👏
👉臺灣中央廣播電臺法語節目「博物館時光—故宮瑰寶」製作人暨主持人-缪詠華女士 👏👏👏
👉德籍劇場導演-路卡斯‧漢勒(Lukas Hemleb)先生


 2014 「譯藝獎」
缪詠華女士(譯藝獎(I)):翻譯因緣乎?翻譯因緣也(繆詠華 Miao Yung-Hua)

2018年7月16日 星期一

185 繆詠華談翻譯《小王子》(Le Petit Prince)2017-09-23

178 巴黎地鐵印象:Métro de Paris 2017-08-05 繆詠華

巴黎文學散步 繆詠華;Jim Morrison 墓(巴黎拉雪茲墓園;殷琪等人的故事)

131 巴黎文學散步 繆詠華(Miao Yung Hua) 2017-01-21

介紹法國龔古爾文學獎 繆詠華

Agnès Varda
今日法国作家. 布瓦代弗尔, Pierre De Boisdeffre. 商务印书馆, 1998 - 206 pages ... De Boisdeffre. Translated by, 鲍刚. Publisher, 商务印书馆, 1998. (此書除拉丁文外,無一字母,定價7.5 RMB,有法國外交部資助。)
Les Écrivains français d'aujourd'hui, P.U.F., 1963
(根據1985年第7版) 關於Antoine de Saint-Exupery 的說法,讓我花幾小時讀他的作品。