2020年9月30日 星期三

馬 Horse, pony,百駿圖

#四季百駿 東西方交流的協奏曲
以虛擬實境的手法,將義大利籍清宮畫師 #郎世寧(1688-1766)的〈#百駿圖〉長卷,結合同時期的義大利籍作曲家 #韋瓦第(1678-1741) 的《四季》小提琴協奏曲,由 #臺灣聲響實驗室(C-LAB)與演奏家重新演繹,兩位代表著東西方文藝盛期的藝術家,穿越時空,合奏這部結合繪畫與音樂的「四季百駿」,重新詮釋郎世寧筆下東西合璧的藝術美學。

法國國家考古研究所的研究人員稱,這個石塊長約10英寸,寬7英寸,厚1英寸。 石塊上刻有一些雕刻作品,包括馬,鹿或野牛。石塊的兩側都有圖案。

Picasso, faun, horse, bird, 1936.

Mustachioed six-armed man pointing at six horse types. Illustration in Breeder and Sportsman, 1917.

Buddhist Morality Tale about Shio no Choji ("Salty" Choji), a wealthy man with a predilection for pickled horse meat, until the tables were turned on him.

Statuette of St George
The statuette was made to house a relic of St George that Archbishop Ernst of Cologne sent in 1586 to his brother Duke Wilhelm V of Bavaria.
In the seventeenth century, the statuette was displayed on important feast days on the altar of the Rich Chapel in the Munich Residence.
The bearded face of the saint behind the movable visor is carved from boxwood and resembles that of the man who commissioned the statuette, Duke Wilhelm V.
Statuette of St George (gold, enamel, silver-gilt, diamonds, rubies, emeralds, opals, agate, chalcedony, rock crystal and other precious stones, pearls; height 50 cm); Munich, 1586/97

A 'horse hotel' in Charlottenburg, Berlin (c. 1912).

This etching of the Trojan horse was made by Jean Mignon in the 1500s and shows King Priam greeting the famous wooden horse. Unbeknown to him, Greek soldiers were concealed inside, ready to leap out and destroy the city as night fell.

The Small Courier, 1496

 Al Ahmadi, Kuwait, 1991. Steve McCurry: “As we drove into the burning oil fields, it was as dark as night. The ground was completely blackened with oil. This horse was one of the many animals abandoned during the fighting. I was sitting on the hood of my car, about 30 feet from the fire as we were driving through the desert.” © Steve McCurry. Get your copy here: http://bit.ly/TASCHEN-Steve-McCurry-Animals
#mccurry #stevemccurry #kuwait #alahmadi #horse #photography

Leonardo da Vinci · 
Equestrian Statue, 1519

Cavallo  HORSE  Marino Marini
Cavallo, conceived 1951
Bronze with hand-chiseling


Study of battles on horseback, 1504;Study sheet with horses, 1513

Sculptures of Picasso at MoMa, New York.

The Holy Georg, 1504;1508


Pablo Picasso, Faun, Horse and Bird, 1936

Study of horses for the Battle of Anghiari, 1503

Grey Gelding, 2003


Franz Marc (German, 1880-1916) "Der blaue Reiter"
Red and Blue Horses (1912) 
Tempera on paper, 26.5 x 34 cm.

Dahlov Ipcar, American (1917-2017)
"World Full of Horses," written & illustrated by Ipcar, New York: Doubleday & Co., 1955.
Dahlov Ipcar is best known for her vibrant collage-style paintings of jungle and farm animals. This clearly evident love of animals is due in part to the summers she spent with her family in Maine. In 1923 the Zorach family (her parents were the famous artists William and Marguerite Zorach) bought a farm at Robinhood Cove in Georgetown, Maine. It was during a Maine summer that Dahlov met her future husband Adolph Ipcar.

Horse Smiling, 1940   Lucian Freud 

法國薩拉市(薩拉拉卡內達,Sarlat-la-Canéda)是多爾多涅省黑色佩里戈爾地區(Perigord Noir)的首府,附近舊石器時代的巖洞拉斯科(Lascaux)擁有1.73萬年前留下來的精美彩色史前壁畫。

Trojan Horse sculpture in Canakkale, Turkey
©Alex Kosev/Getty Images

Study sheet with horses, 1513 Leonardo da Vinc

The Black Horse, 1883

Margaret W. Tarrant, "Sea-Horses" postcard

Artilleryman Saddling His Horse, 1879

University of Cambridge· 
Bronze Horse at Jesus College

A cavalry fight, 1632

Salvador Dalí 
Personnage fantastique en costume médieval, c. 1937

Investors prefer the prospect of a second Modi term to lengthy parliamentary horse-trading

French children on a merry-go-round, 1930's ...

李公麟畫馬之所以厲害,除了找到好的學習典範(唐代畫馬名家韓幹),也由寫生的工夫中磨練而來。據說他曾對著宮中御馬寫生,才一停筆,馬兒就暴斃身亡,逼得養馬官不得已貼了張「李公麟禁入」的告示 (誤),就是怕他的寫生太過傳神,又把馬兒的魂給勾去了。蘇東坡才會說:「龍眠胸中有千駟,不惟畫肉兼畫骨。」

Wassily Kandinsky
Horses, 1909

Pallas and Centaur, 1482
Sandro Botticelli

The Trojan Horse is a story from the Trojan War about the subterfuge that the Greeks used to enter the independent city of Troy and win the war. In the canonical version, after a fruitless 10-year siege, the Greeks constructed a huge wooden horse, and hid a select force of men inside including Odysseus.
Trojan Horse - Wikipedia

A tribute by US WW1 soldiers to horses lost in the conflict. At Camp Cody, New Mexico. 1916.

Black Beauty
Anna Sewell 

Edited by Adrienne E. Gavin

Neptune's Horses, illustration for 'The Greek Mythological Legend', publish in London, 1910, Walter Crane.

Georges Seurat

Garland Day, Castleton, Derbyshire, England, c.1949,

Gerhard Marcks (18 February 1889 – 13 November 1981) 
Der wiehernde Hengst / The Whinnying Stallion, second casting, 1974, on the Philosophikum campus of the Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen (the first casting, 1961, is in front of the Stadttheater in Aachen) BAUHAUS 

In Praise of Travel, Particularly on Horseback 蒙田

1893 The Terminal (1893) by Alfred Stieglitz

會不會是"死靈魂" : http://hcbooks.blogspot.tw/…/dead-souls-norton-critical-edi…

Late 1890s - A Trip Through Paris, France (speed corrected w/ added sound)

Erni Hans
Year: 1969

Russian artist Nikolai Kochergin 1897-1974 with illustrations to  (Sivka-Burka is a magic horse).a Russian fairy tale about Ivan-the-Fool.

Elijah is taken to heaven
Marc Chagall

According to 2 Kings 2:3–9, Elisha (Eliseus) and "the sons of the prophets" knew beforehand that Elijah would one day be assumed into heaven. ... The water immediately divides and Elijah and Elisha cross on dry land. Suddenly, a chariot of fire and horses of fire appear and Elijah is lifted up in a whirlwind.

Marc Chagall. Circus rider. 1927

Driftwood sculpture of three horses on a beach, looks incredibly life like in their gestures.

Horsemen Riding in the Bois de Boulogne by Toulouse-Lautrec, 1888



England’s Enormous Chalk Figures

See the country’s most mythic geoglyphs, including huge horses and massive men, from their best angle.

Uffington White Horse,England

根據一項新DNA分析研究,全世界野馬早就已經滅絕,這項發現意外改寫馬系譜樹(family tree)。

今天刊登在美國「科學」(Science)期刊的研究報告指出,大部分民眾認為地球上最後現存野馬是普氏野馬(Przewalski's horse),但普氏野馬實際上是從牠們飼主手中逃脫的馴化馬。

法新社報導,研究共同作者、堪薩斯大學(University of Kansas)生物多樣性研究所與自然歷史博物館(Biodiversity Institute and Natural History Museum)考古學部門負責人歐森(Sandra Olsen)說:「這真是一個很大的驚喜。」


這項研究是根據哈薩克北部波泰(Botai)和克拉斯雅爾(Krasnyi Yar)兩處考古工作地,科學家發現5000多年前最早馴化馬證據。




Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 
The Coastal bus company

約伯傳:Chapter 39

Marino Marini (27 February 1901 – 6 August 1980) was an Italiansculptor.[1][2]

Two-horse hitch By Georges Seurat

Roger et Angélique;Apollon
Odilon Redon

“Pit ponies” were put to work in coal mines throughout the 18th through 20th centuries, replacing the women and children who would have originally been sent into the mines.


草駒的解釋:幼馬。《淮南子·修務訓》:“夫馬之為草駒之時,跳躍揚蹏,翹尾而走,人不能制。”高誘注:“馬五尺以下為駒,放在草中,故曰草駒。”淮南子: 脩務訓- 夫馬之為草駒之時,跳躍揚蹄,翹尾而走,人不能制

George Stubbs, Zebra (detail), 1763, oil on canvas, Yale Center

Dali   Debris of an Automobile Giving Birth to a Blind Horse Biting a Telephone, 1938


Conversion on the Way to Damascus, 1601

BERCHEM, Nicolaes (Claesz.) (b. 1620, Haarlem, d. 1683, Amsterdam)
Landscape with Two Horses

Oil on wood. Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen

U.S. soldiers pay tribute to the 8 million horses, donkeys and mules that lost their lives during World War 1. (1918)

Pablo Picasso
Horse, 1923


MOREL FAVORITO是朱利奧·羅曼諾(Giulio Romano)在1526年至1528年間為曼圖亞公爵費德里科二世·岡薩加(Federico II Gonzaga)壁畫所繪的六匹馬之一,該壁畫位於Palazzo Te的薩拉·卡瓦利(Sala dei Cavalli)牆上。

MOREL FAVORITO is the name of one of the six horses frescoed by Giulio Romano between 1526 and 1528 for Federico II Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua, on the walls of the Sala dei Cavalli in Palazzo Te.
It is in effect a portrait of a specimen that belonged to the renowned Gonzaga equine farms, known by powerful people from all over Europe.
The name MOREL, which can still be read between the animal's paws, refers to its gray-black coat, technically defined as MORELLO.
All the horses are depicted in an old-fashioned architecture and in front of fake windows opening onto the landscape.
MOREL FAVORITO è il nome di uno dei sei cavalli affrescati da Giulio Romano tra 1526 e 1528 per Federico II Gonzaga, duca di Mantova, sulle pareti della Sala dei Cavalli del Palazzo Te.
Si tratta a tutti gli effetti del ritratto di un esemplare appartenuto ai rinomati allevamenti equini gonzagheschi, conosciuti dai potenti di tutta Europa.
Il nome MOREL, che si legge ancora tra le zampe dell'animale, fa riferimento al suo manto grigio-nero, tecnicamente definito MORELLO.
Tutti i cavalli sono raffigurati all'interno di un'architettura all'antica e davanti a finte finestre aperte sul paesaggio.
#animalsinart #cavallo #horses #giulioromano #palazzotemantova #gonzaga #art #painting #pitturaitaliana

2020年9月29日 星期二

漢清講堂 胡適與時事畫; 世界漫畫簡史.....杜米埃(Honoré Daumier) ,George Cruikshank;長谷川町子

漢清講堂: 胡適與時事畫 世界漫畫簡史
201 胡適與時事漫畫, 從《胡適留學日記》(1911-1917)之時事畫, 漫話當時的美國總統大選,與一次世界大戰之殘酷.... 200 《胡適留學日記》中的諸多寶貝 2017-12-17 漢清講堂 https://youtu.be/Kxq1vjdL3xs 繪畫是一種深思熟慮 189 簡介 Henri CARTIER-BRESSON (1908-2004) 2017-09-0...
胡適與時事畫 2017-12-16 漢清講堂


232 George Cruikshank(英國漫畫家喬治·克魯克香克) 2018-06-13


193 法國藝術家杜米埃(Honoré Daumier) 2017-09-18 漢清講堂


In Le Caricature in 1831, Daumier portrayed the ‘bourgeois monarch’ Louis Phillippe (1830-1848)—who ruled under the standard “Enrichissez-vous!”—as Rabelais’ Gargantua; with a giant’s appetite, and insatiable venality —the pear- headed, pot-bellied, king squats on his ‘throne’ (or privy) ingesting an unending flow of ducats from a beleaguered people whilst defecating preferments which privileged place-hunters cower below the chamber-pot to seize.

Two laborers build the city and discuss their work in the captions.
Two laborers build the city and discuss their work in the captions. © CNRS HISOMA/USED WITH PERMISSION

JUST THINK WHAT VIRGIL, OVID, or Horace could have done with Superman. A recently unearthed Roman tomb in the northern Jordanian town of Beit Ras features a collection of striking, sequential paintings complete with speech-filled captions, forming what looks to many like an ancient, proto-comic strip.
The hypogeum, or underground tomb, measures an impressive 550 square feet and holds two separate funeral chambers. The main room is adorned with four paintings that, together, depict nearly 260 gods, humans, and animals. It’s important to note the order: In the central painting, an officiant makes a sacrifice to the patron deities of Capitolias (present-day Beit Ras) and Caesarea Maritima, capital of the province Judea. A second painting features peasants working the fields with oxen and chopping down trees with help from the gods, the third painting renders the construction of a rampart (with some of the workers even getting into accidents as they climb walls or cut stones), and the fourth illustrates a priest making another sacrifice to those deities.
Researchers believe that the paintings—and their arrangement—tell a story about the founding of Capitolias. First, a priest turns to the gods for advice on where to establish the city, workers then develop the land and raise defenses, and the community finally offers its thanks with another sacrifice when the work is done. In a release, researchers called the tomb’s decorations unusually ornate.

Dionysus and company clear the ground for Capitolias.
Dionysus and company clear the ground for Capitolias. © CNRS HISOMA/USED WITH PERMISSION

The most exciting aspect of the discovery, however, may be the text that accompanies these images. More than sixty inscriptions explain the action, like speech bubbles that give direct voice to the characters on the walls. It’s not exactly Alan Moore—“Alas for me! I am dead!”—but the inscriptions promise interesting research. Most are written in Aramaic but with Greek letters, merging the two primary languages of the Roman Middle East, but it’s more complicated than that. The inscriptions attached to the deities are written in Greek alone, which distinguishes them from the hybrid text of the toiling peons.
Capitolias belonged to a part of the Roman Empire known as the Decapolis, a group of 10 cities that retained the legacy of Hellenistic culture and enjoyed relative autonomy from the empire. There’s no shortage of Roman artifacts in the Beit Ras area, but this find was pure serendipity. It was uncovered by routine roadwork outside a school in 2016.

胡適之先生的集《時事畫四十五幅》 (《留學日記》1914年7月12日;《胡適日記 1910-1914》(頁333-371)說:.......胡適最欣賞的一幅是講老羅斯福競選(1912) Theodore Roosevelt, U.S. Presiden 1858-1919的「趨時」:羅斯福如吧台服務員,政見琳瑯,要什麼都有:WHAT’S YOURS (--Mayer in N. Y. Times)----hc評:胡適時事畫的可能誤譯
這張被潘光哲論文"青年胡適之"民主經驗"等引用過,不過作者們可能都沒有核對過英文,而胡適在1~2處的翻譯可能是錯的,譬如說,將Federal Control 翻譯成"統治托拉斯",最右邊的"人口問題"也奇怪,英文似乎為" Race Sucide ? (末字看不清)"。

這感人的故事引發一些聯想:第一次碰到Astérix et Obélix是1978年,我的牛津大學畢業的同學靦腆地說,他們中學學法語從他倆的漫畫故事開始。我當時有地利之便,讀了幾本......沒想到作者87歲了.....
《阿斯泰利克斯歷險記》(法語:Astérix le Gaulois),又譯《高盧英雄傳》,是一套法國系列漫畫,由勒內·戈西尼(編劇)和阿爾伯特·烏德佐(Albert Uderzo,漫畫家,1977年戈西尼逝世後兼編劇)共同創作。這套漫畫在歐洲南美非常知名,33本漫畫書和畫冊已經譯成100多種語言和方言,並且多次改編成長篇動畫電影、真人電影、電玩遊戲等,但在中國日本、美國等地知名度不大。


Nous sommes en 50 avant Jésus-Christ ; toute la Gaule est occupée par les Romains... Toute ? Non ! Car un village peuplé d'irréductibles Gaulois résiste encore et toujours à l'envahisseur. Et la vie n'est pas facile pour les garnisons de légionnaires romains des camps retranchés de Babaorum, Aquarium,Laudanum et Petibonum...

中文翻譯為:故事發生在公元前50年,高盧地區的全境都被羅馬占領了……全境嗎?不!因為還有一個村莊,那裡居住著頑強的高盧人,他們一直在抵抗侵略。村子周圍有四個羅馬軍營,Babaorum, Aquarium, Laudanum和Petibonum,駐紮在那裡的士兵們日子可不好過……
沒錯,一息尚存,人都會做他的天職 (睡前翻Matisse:Father & Son By John Russell,知道Henry Matisse在臨終前一天,仍跟"親人"要紙和筆,為她畫像......),愛他的祖國。

 胡適日記1952.10.5: H. T. Webster上月死了。他的漫畫之中,特別喜歡"The Timid Soul"。今天看此幅,特別忠厚可愛。(胡先生選的,很精采,遠比下文舉例的,好多多。_)

 胡適日記1952.10.5: H. T. Webster上月死了。他的漫畫之中,特別喜歡"The Timid Soul"。今天看此幅,特別忠厚可愛。(胡先生選的,很精采,遠比下文舉例的,好多多。_) Caspar Milquetoast - Wikipedia h...