2020年10月22日 星期四

美國之"敵":企業品質競爭力到國安問題: 從QUALITY WAR 到高科技大戰 (到2019年 華為 、中興通訊 等 .......)


2020/04/08 - Present-day bellheads are behind America's assault on Huawei, the world's biggest maker of telecoms gear ... Wi-Fi, novel short-range links, constellations of low-orbit satellites and, yes, 6G (already under development). ... More fundamentally, as Rakuten shows, the bellhead approach they embody is no longer the only game in ... An open architecture gives operators more ...

The geopolitics of 5G - America's war on Huawei nears its ...
www.economist.com › 2020/07/16

2020/07/16 - American politicians and officials have long expressed concerns that mobile networks which rely on Huawei ... to those in America; the price of data services has fallen even faster than usage has grown: what's the problem?

我91年到該城,不知有此大公司,90年代下期,連tsmc的副董曾先生都去"市場開發" (他當時講一句話,值得思考......)及The Economist的文章,才知道此公司有意思。
我"很久"以前作:美國之"敵":企業品質競爭力到國安問題: 從QUALITY WAR 到高科技大戰 (到2019年 華為 、中興通訊 等 .......)
連半成品都接受 《日經》:禁令大限逼近,華為進入求生狀態

美國之"敵":企業品質競爭力到國安問題: 從QUALITY WAR 到高科技大戰 (到2019年  華為 、中興通訊 等 .......)   



China’s Huawei Technologies has approached high-profile figures in Washington to try to turn around negative perceptions of the company.

"對於全球瀰漫的資安疑慮,華為自己出面給了期限,並表示將會投入近 20 億美元來積極處理這些問題。重建資安信心難,華為:需要 5 年才能消除恐懼" 2019.2.8
2020.1 Johnson
Huawei to build first European 5G factory in France to soothe Western nerves 2020.2.28

從QUALITY WAR 到 ’大戰中國科技業,特別指向華為’ :企業品質競爭力到國安問題
’If Japan Can... Why Can't We?’ (1980 NBC News)


中国商务部星期四2019.3.28 表示

美國:連20個月的製造業好消息:Manufacturing Surge, a Boon for Trump, May Be Fading

→遺留問題:儘管北京方面已經做出了一系列取悅特朗普的讓步 ,但在取消對華關稅、強制執行機制、進行實質性改革等議題上,爭議猶存。此外,兩國領導人舉行峰會的日期和地點也仍未敲定。
→ 特朗普的勝利:世界正在重新評估中國作為製造業主導者的地位。正如美國一些官員所希望的那樣,全球企業已經開始減少對中國的依賴 ,將供應鏈從中國轉移出去。
→展望未來:中國問題專家警告,兩國之間長期存在的貿易緊張局勢不太可能在本輪談判中完全消除。 “未來幾十年,我們都將與中國進行痛苦的談判 。”

MIT cuts partnerships with China's Huawei and ZTE over risks ...


as a threat to American jobs and national security

The press has attacked CRRC, a Chinese trainmaker,


2019.3.14 李怡
Huawei's founder extols the virtues of transparency.


The United States and China are tied for first place in 5G readiness, according to a new report


The iPhone’s camera used to be a selling point

P30 Pro

the National Cyber Security Centre.  Britain publicly chastised China's Huawei Technologies for failing to fix long-standing security flaws in its mobile network equipment and revealed new "significant technical issues," increasing pressure on the company as it battles Western allegations that Beijing could use its gear for spying. 2019.3.28英國公開譴責中國的華為技術公司未能解決其移動網絡設備中長期存在的安全漏洞,並發布了新的“重大技術問題”,這增加了該公司面臨的壓力,因為該公司正在與西方指控北京可能使用其設備進行間諜活動。

by Jeremy Main, 1994/2007
Quality Wars: The Triumphs and Defeats of American Business

C & C 的故事及技術-財富的歸同集中CONVERGENCE OF TECHNOLOGY/Wealth
The Rise of Winner-Take-All

The myth ends – Japan reexamines itself

the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and the Tokyo Subway Sarin Attack. 

2019年1-2月份中國出口合計下降4.6%。Foxconn 降45%,TSMC 22%....
known problems with corruption, debt distress, environmental damage, and lack of transparency.中國國家領導人習近平2019年歐洲三國(意大利ˎ 摩納哥和法蘭西)之行現已拉開序幕。據報,摩納哥有意與華為合作,打造全球首個完全覆蓋5G的國家。2019.3.22

ソニー、スマホ人員を最大半減 日本勢の退潮鮮明に
2019.3.28 NIKKEI.COM

Timeline: U.S. Relations With China 1949—2018


BBC 中國華為5G設備爭議的動畫解析:歐洲不應該允許人們對外拋售未來重要技術?

If European governments escalate their war on Huawei, it might prompt Beijing to kick Western firms out of China

Both Ericsson and Nokia would prefer the Huawei saga to end in Europe

Trade Fight With China Enters Overtime, With Tariffs a Costly Sticking Point*
By ANA SWANSON  2019.3.18
Although much remains unsettled before an April goal, one thing is clear: The Trump administration wants to hold the threat of tariffs over Beijing.

*A point, issue, or situation that causes or is likely to cause an impasse.

If Japan can ... Why can't we? was an American television episode broadcast by NBC News as part of the television show "NBC White Paper" on June 24, 1980, credited with beginning the Quality Revolution and introducing the methods of W. Edwards Deming to American managers that was produced by Clare Crawford-Mason[1] and reported on by Lloyd Dobyns.[2]

Quote by Alfred Politz Nothing can do you so much harm as a lousy competitor. Be thankful for a good competitor.
第1章     現況的省思
對你傷害最大的,莫過於差勁的對手。對於好對手, 應心存感激。
──阿爾弗雷德‧波利茲(Alfred Politz (1902-1982),是"投票和輿情分析"與市場研究領域的先驅。戴明博士好友。——譯注)

0 on Agency (“JAXA”), this partnership and the development of the lunar rover may turn out to be a major contribution ...
Toyota (TM) & Japan's Space Agency Collaborate for Moon Rover
Per the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (“JAXA”), this partnership and the development of the lunar rover may turn out to be a major contribution ...


The year 2007 was a major inflection point: the release of the iPhone, together with advances in silicon chips, software, storage, sensors, and networking, created a new technology platform. Friedman calls this platform “the supernova”—for it is an extraordinary release of energy that is reshaping everything from how we hail a taxi to the fate of nations to our most intimate relationships. It is creating vast new opportunities for individuals and small groups to save the world—or to destroy it.

Who's afraid of Huawei? - Chinese multinationals - The Economist
Aug 4, 2012 - Huawei has just overtaken Sweden's Ericsson to become the world's largest telecoms-equipment-maker. Even though many foreigners still ..

'The Next Convergence: The Future of Economic Growth in a Multispeed World' by Michael Spence

The Great Convergence: Information Technology and the New Globalization



Dr Deming:I ask people in management what proportion of this problem arises from your production worker. And theanswer is always: All of it! That’s absolutely wrong. There’s nobody that comes out of a School of Business thatknows what management is, or what its deficiencies are. There’s no one coming out of a School of Business that everheard of the answers that I'm giving your questions—or probably even thought of the questions. (Lloyd Dobyns:...Deming’s program insists that management causes85% of all the problems._

Smithsonian 月刊1990年8月號
Ed Deming wants big changes, and he wants them fast.

August 1, 1990... He has always looked younger than he is, but even with that he is clearly old.

轉形任重道遠 必須窮數十寒暑
"When we size up the job ahead, it is obvious that a long thorny road lies ahead -- decades."
Dependence on protection by tariffs and laws to "buy American" only encourages incompetence.
It would be incorrect to leave the reader with the impression that no action is taking place.
(Deming, 1986, Preface for Out of the Crisis)

Juran on Quality Improvement:
Session 1 - Proof of the Need


The Juran trilogy

Quality is Free By Philip B. Crosby, 1978

Quality Without Tears : The Art of Hassle-Free Management,1984

《經濟學人》的封面:21世紀最珍貴的是什麼?是人才;最珍貴的人才是什麼?是領袖..."The new world of work is about skills, not necessarily degrees"

The quality revolution in American industry, now more than a decade old, has produced an avalanche of books, but this is the first in-depth study reporting the struggles from inside the companies that have attempted large-scale improvement efforts. Jeremy Main has interviewed more than a dozen chief executives, all of whom have managed quality programs, including Charles Clough of Nashua, Robert Galvin of Motorola, James Hagen of Conrail, Roger Milliken of Milliken, Ray State of Analog Devices, and John Young of Hewlett-Packard, in addition to hundreds of other senior executives, workers, labor representatives, city officials, military officers, and hospital administrators.

Through their experiences, Main reveals what works and what doesn't work when an organization attempts the transforming leap into Total Quality Management. Their message comes through loud and clear: it is a tough battle, but persistence can win priceless rewards.

The notable successes at BancOne, L.L. Bean, Ford, Hewlett-Packard, Motorola, Saturn, Solectron, and Xerox prove it. However, Main shows that Motorola and Hewlett-Packard, among the earliest and best practitioners of total quality, are still finding obstacles to overcome. And some other early converts, such as Florida Power & Light, have stumbled badly along the way. Main's vivid descriptions of these setbacks capture the difficulties inherent in implementing a total quality system. His dramatic accounts of success and failure at companies such as Milliken and Intel convey valuable knowledge that is otherwise gained only by actual experience.

The way to achieve the "new quality" of today, Main shows, is through a full commitment to TQM. He reveals through the experiences of these companies that TQM is not just a management tool, as it has often been used, but a management philosophy that is indispensable in attaining a high level of quality -- now a requisite for competing successfully. With the collaboration of the Juran Institute, Main demonstrates how TQM has transformed companies by improving quality at all levels. The accounts of these triumphs are direct evidence that world-class quality is attainable by American industry, and will inspire and point the way for executives, managers, and government officials in their timeless pursuit of total quality.

China’s system of internet censorship is not for internal consumption only but is being exported.
The Great Firewall of China

Emmy Hu

談中興通訊、 華為科技、中移動等中企在美國的受挫
2018.7.4  漢清講堂 2018.12.18

 a deal that would involve the lowering of Chinese tariffs on a range of US goods
If the Trump administration removes broad sanctions against Beijing

鼓勵 vs 禁止無現金/交易
費城立法禁止“無現金”商店 。不再接受現金的零售商表示,處理數字支付對他們的員工來說更快捷、更容易。但批評人士稱,無現金政策涉嫌歧視那些沒有銀行賬戶或信用卡的人。

In fact, Mr. Greedy loved to eat, and the more he ate the fatter he became.
And the trouble was, the fatter he became the more hungry he became.

Huawei: The story of a controversial company

2018.1 ...between the hours of midnight and 0200, data from the AU’s servers was transferred more than 8,000km away - to servers in Shanghai.

2018.1 ...between the hours of midnight and 0200, data from the AU’s servers was transferred more than 8,000km away - to servers in Shanghai.

Belt ans oad initiative;

Huawei opens its gates in widening PR assault




"Despite efforts in markets creating fear about Huawei, using politics to interfere with growth, customers continue to trust us and continue to work with us," Deputy Chairman Ken Hu told reporters


5G 和摺疊手機是今年 MWC 的兩大看點,而華為在兩個領域都有重大突破。當華為要供應商登入中國,台商如何爭取訂單又保護技術將是一大難題。


As the game of gigs played out, city leaders were forced to offer the same administrative advantages to incumbents as they had to Google Fiber. Construction costs fell, and the speed of deployments increased. Only six years after Google’s initial announcement, according to the Fiber Broadband Association, 30% of urban residents had access to gigabit Internet service.




2019年前 2 月對中國出口比重降至 37.3%,是 2017 年以來新低,反觀對美國出口比重則提高至 14.2%,是近 13 年新高,財政部官員分析,主要是企業為躲貿易戰衝擊,轉移生產陣地所致。"


【晶片黑客】中國黑客攻擊激增美國指控北京授意;中國製的主機板上有中國軍方設計的晶片... 運去美國.....China Used a Tiny Chip in a Hack That Infiltrated Amazon and Apple

市場vs管理與律師 vs 公關


過去三十年,華為從一個廉價程控交換機銷售者華麗轉身為一個全球手機網絡的強大合作夥伴。 在5G時代大幕將啟之時, 華為瞄準領袖地位 ,謀求制定新一代移動互聯網的世界標準。

任正非之後, 誰來掌舵華為 ?三年前,這家神秘的中國電信巨頭的創始人似乎已經開始準備退休。當時已是華為首席財務官的孟晚舟,曾被外界普遍認為是最有可能的繼任者之一。

2018.1 2.10     加拿大檢方表示她被控欺詐。對孟晚舟指控的核心是,她可能參與了一項陰謀,誘使金融機構進行違反美國對伊朗制裁的交易。 加拿大司法部律師表示,在2009年至2014年間,華為利用一家名為Skycom Tech的香港公司在伊朗經商,與那裡的電信公司做生意,這違反了美國對伊朗的制裁。他說,美國的銀行為華為的金融交易結了帳,無意之中與天通有了業務往來。
HSBC and Standard Chartered are said to be among the institutions told by Huawei that it wasn't doing business in Iran through a Hong Kong company called Skycom Tech.

澳洲禁止華為和中興為該國5G電信網設備供應商 。兩位澳大利亞部長,包括莫里森在內,明確表示他們擔心外國公司的安全風險。8.24;日本手機運營商 擬在通信設備中排除中國產品 ,這一舉措可能意指華為、中興。上週,日本將這兩家公司從政府採購名單中剔除。12.10

2018.7.13  撤換高層,交清14億美元罰款,4億美元保證金到位並接受美國委任小組監督10之久

中興通訊即將恢復與美國供應商的業務往來,因美國總統特朗普為拯救該公司而達成的協議已掃除最後一個主要障礙。 美國商務部已同中興通訊就該公司將4億美元存入托管帳戶的流程達成協議,這是中興通訊因違反之前達成的和解協定而遭到的懲罰的一部分。7.12

美國,懦弱的惡魔 。在保羅·克魯格曼看來,轟轟烈烈的貿易戰以空話連篇告終,特朗普對中國作出了懦弱的讓步。這種行為讓美國比以前更不受信任、更不受尊重、更虛弱。

雪上加霜 美國德州法官裁定中興受司法監督再延兩年


又是國安! 美擬拒絕中國第一大通信商「中國移動」入境
DW 2018.7.3 



1. 申請者﹕是否可信? 過去有否違法記錄? 是否容易遭到第三方脅迫和利用?   2. 外國勢力﹕申請者背後是否有國家勢力,可能對美國形成威脅? 申請者的母國是否會對他們施加壓力,強迫他們提供數據與訊息? 母國的要求是否會遵循司法程序,而其司法體系是獨立的?  3. 營運計劃﹕在美國的營運計劃是否會威脅到美國本土企業,傷害他們的穩定性與信用? 是否有意刺探商業情報?   4. 美國司法程序: 美國行政機關能否繼續透過發放證照或技術支援的方式,維持其捍衛國家安全的職能?

Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 华为技术有限公司  2017 數據
收入CN¥6030.621 億。企業人數: 180,000

徐直軍直接點名美國國會眾議員Jim Banks和參議員Marco Rubio,稱二人督促同僚向美國教育部長致函,調查華為是否通過與美國數十所大學的合作項目竊取美國研究。
華為是全球最大的智能手機製造商之一,僅排在三星電子和蘋果公司之後。華為投入數十億美元研發第五代無線通訊,讓華為處於受益於下一代移動技術的有利地位。徐直軍在上海參加論壇時承諾不會因5G專利費而擠壓其他公司。撰文/ Gao Yuan

5G   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5G
Huawei announced that it jointly conducted successful 5G tests with Telenor with speed reached up to 70 Gbit/s in a controlled lab environment.[92]
In 2010, 4G began replacing 3G and increased mobile data transmission speeds tenfold. In the era of 5G, it will be 100 times faster than the 4G in transmitting mobile data.[93]
 "Telenor and Huawei Conduct Successful Test of 5G with 70 Gbps Speeds". PakTechInfo. Retrieved 4 April 2017.
Jump up^ "5G an opportunity for China to take lead in next tech evolution". 6 March 2018. CHINADAILY. Retrieved 15 March 2018.

Bell teams up with Huawei to successfully test 5G in Ontario". IT World Canada. Retrieved 2018-03-20.
On June 7, 2018, a Philippine telecommunications company, Globe Telecom announced its plans to adopt 5G (with a partnership with Huawei) and its slated to available commercially by the 2nd quarter of 2019.

日本 NTT 開發出「後 5G 通訊技術」,下載一片 DVD 僅需 1 秒鐘

作者 Atkinson |  2018 年 07 月 09 日

中興通訊  2017 數據
Revenue 收入CN¥1080.815億。企業人數:74,773

ZTE Corp. building in Beijing. Appointed new Board.
ZTE Appoints Chairman in Another Step Toward Lifting of U.S. Ban 6.29

中國電信巨頭中興通訊全體董事辭職,李自學將任新董事長 改變可能沒有看起來那麼徹底
Tian Dongfang, a former chief of the same institute, as party secretary,

中興新:30.34% stake 控股;
西安微电子技术研究所; 34%, 深圳航天广宇工业有限公司 14.5%
深圳市中兴维先通设备有限公司; 49%?: 國興睿科2.5%

U.S. sanctions and export ban
In March 2017, ZTE pleaded guilty to illegally exporting U.S. technology to Iran and North Korea in violation of trade sanctions, and was fined a total of US$1.19 billion by the U.S. Department of Commerce.
On 16 April 2018, the Department of Commerce banned U.S. companies from providing exports to ZTE for seven years

On 9 May 2018, ZTE suspended its "major operating activities" On 7 June 2018, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross announced ZTE must pay a $1 billion fine, and place an additional $400 million in suspended penalty money …



Data Center 產業;Supercomputers競速



2019.3.10  WSJ






China buys US soybeans ahead of Trump-Xi meeting

意大利塗鴉藝術家von TvBoy zu Handelsstreit在米蘭牆上畫下這幅圖,注意到兩位領導人手上拿的手機嗎? G-20    特朗普7月1日在白宮對記者說,週末在日本大阪同中國國家主席習近平就貿易戰暫時停火達成一致後,美中雙方間的對話已經開始。



