2020年5月5日 星期二

友誼系列: Friendship - Lydia Denworth

 hanching chung  5/5/20  戴明的新經學與好友 ; Deming and Drucker at NYU / GBS :A Friendship. 紀念戴明博士

 hanching chung 0 49 1/17/20 

《喬治‧ 桑與福樓拜 》ii: 書信大家; Franz Liszt et Marie d'Agoult, The George Sand–Gustave Flaubert Letters..George Sand received Honoré de Balzac hanching chung 0 10 5/10/19

 席勒 (Friedrich Schiller 1759~1805)與歌德 (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 1749~1832) 圈 hanching chung 0 60 1/10/19 

 紀念 Peter Drucker 討論會 2015;Deming and Drucker at NYU /GBS :A Friendship. 社會生態學家 Peter Drucker: The Ecological Vision: Reflections on the American Condition Edit

談《東海大學學報》第一期;東海人、羅文森 令人懷念的東海歳月


Andrea Petersen2020年5月6日08:15 CST 更新


這種排序是錯誤的,科學記者丹沃斯(Lydia Denworth)說。丹沃斯是《友誼》(Friendship)一書的作者,這本書不久前由諾頓出版公司(W.W. Norton & Co.)出版。丹沃斯通過對研究狒狒和恆河猴的生物學家、人類學家和神經科學家進行採訪,揭露了友誼背後的科學:友誼的確對提升人的幸福感和情緒健康非常重要,同時對保持身體健康也十分關鍵。事實上,丹沃斯認為,友誼對人類的生存至關重要。


Friendship - Lydia Denworth
lydiadenworth.com › books › friends...

Friends, after all, are the family we choose. But what makes these bonds not just pleasant but essential, and how do they affect our bodies and our minds? In Friendship, science journalist Lydia Denworth ...


The science of friendship | Lydia Denworth

TED Archive
YouTube - 2018/05/22


The Science and Necessity of Friendship - Lydia Denworth ...

YouTube - 2020/02/09

The Open Mind | The Science and Necessity of Friendship ...

PBS - 2020/02/03


247: Lydia Denworth | How Life's Fundamental Bond ...

The Armen Show
YouTube - 2020/02/04


Understanding Friendship | Lydia Denworth | Modern Wisdom ...

Modern Wisdom
YouTube - 2020/03/19


Lydia Denworth talks about her TED talk idea and Tapped to ...

Terri Trespicio
YouTube - 2019/02/11


New book highlights the power of friendship l GMA

Good Morning America
YouTube - 2020/02/14

Lydia Denworth on Twitter: "Friendships launches in the UK today! Thank you @sigmascience for bringing #Friendship to the world for my UK readers (and friends)! https://t.co/Ret2em6tfs… https://t.co/aP45jIKOgB"

Twitter - 2020/03/19

The Three Basics of Friendship - Lydia Denworth
lydiadenworth.com › articles › three-...

By Lydia Denworth | March 3, 2017 | Psychology Today | Topics: Emotions and Relationships, Science and Health, Social Behavior. Want to know who your real friends are? Look for these three essential things. iStock. Friendship may ...

