2020年6月14日 星期日

日本浮世繪大師 -- 喜多川歌麿 Kitagawa Utamaro(1753年-1806年) *"Catching Fireflies" (1796-1797)

Kitagawa Utamaro (Japanese: 喜多川 歌麿; c. 1753 – 31 October 1806) was a Japanese artist. He is one of the most highly regarded designers of ukiyo-e woodblock prints and paintings, and is best known for his bijin ōkubi-e "large-headed pictures of beautiful women" of the 1790s. He also produced nature studies, particularly illustrated books of insects.

Little is known of Utamaro's life. His work began to appear in the 1770s, and he rose to prominence in the early 1790s with his portraits of beauties with exaggerated, elongated features. He produced over 2000 known prints and was one of the few ukiyo-e artists to achieve fame throughout Japan in his lifetime. In 1804 he was arrested and manacled for fifty days for making illegal prints depicting the 16th-century military ruler Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and died two years later.

Utamaro's work reached Europe in the mid-nineteenth century, where it was very popular, enjoying particular acclaim in France. He influenced the European Impressionists, particularly with his use of partial views and his emphasis on light and shade, which they imitated. The reference to the "Japanese influence" among these artists often refers to the work of Utamaro.

Kitagawa Utamaro

4 張相片

幾月前,會做此題目,應該是讀徐志摩翻譯A. E. Coppard's Arabesque—The Mouse(短篇小說)
的第一頁。當時找不到恰當的 Arabesque解說 (徐先生採用漢字妙解避開它),後來明白了,然而已錄了影。

又了解19是紀末,法國已出版喜多川歌麿 Kitagawa Utamaro 的專書,20世紀末日本還要翻譯它。最高興的是讀到永井荷風的相關文章。


Japanese artist


Kitagawa Utamaro was a Japanese artist. He is one of the most highly regarded designers of ukiyo-e woodblock prints and paintings, and is best known for his bijin ōkubi-e "large-headed pictures of beautiful women" of the 1790s. He also produced nature studies, particularly illustrated books of insects.Wikipedia

Born: 1753, Edo

Died: October 31, 1806, Edo

Period: Ukiyo-e

Style: Ukiyo-e

261 日本浮世繪大師 -- 喜多川歌麿


261 日本浮世繪大師 -- 喜多川歌麿



1 小時

We venture to the outskirts of Edo just after sunset, where a group of women and children have come to a stream to enjoy a popular summer activity. What could they be looking for among the weeds?
Mother Nature's Summer Light Show
We venture to the outskirts of Edo just after sunset, where a group of women and children have come to a stream to enjoy a popular summer activity. What could they be looking for among the weeds?

*"Catching Fireflies" (1796-1797) by Kitagawa Utamaro

