2019年8月25日 ·
曾在中國生活三十多年,成為中共黨員並熟知當年中國高層領導人的美國人李敦白(Sidney Rittenberg)8月24日去世。 2016年他在亞利桑那州的家中接受VOA專訪時談及香港問題,他說,#香港 是個悲劇。香港要求中央給他們更多的權,自治,你要不鬧的話,我可能還信任你,願意給你多點權,你一鬧,他們要獨立,那更厲害要壓它。那你要告訴年輕人不要爭取,那也不容易。中國不會允許香港有自由,怎麼可能?只要有政權,它不可能的。這不是見了自由女像就掉眼淚的,不是那樣的人。他是權,管權的。 ”
2019年8月25日 ·
曾在中國生活三十多年,成為中共黨員並熟知當年中國高層領導人的美國人李敦白(Sidney Rittenberg)8月24日去世。 2016年他在亞利桑那州的家中接受VOA專訪時談及香港問題,他說,#香港 是個悲劇。香港要求中央給他們更多的權,自治,你要不鬧的話,我可能還信任你,願意給你多點權,你一鬧,他們要獨立,那更厲害要壓它。那你要告訴年輕人不要爭取,那也不容易。中國不會允許香港有自由,怎麼可能?只要有政權,它不可能的。這不是見了自由女像就掉眼淚的,不是那樣的人。他是權,管權的。 ”
Sidney Rittenberg at his flat in Beijing. Of the 35 years he spent in China, he served a total of 16 imprisoned in solitary confinement. Disillusioned, he returned to the US in 1980. Photograph: Bettmann
Sidney Rittenberg, Idealistic American
第一個加入中國共產黨的美國人 ;曾是中共宣傳家,毛澤東的窯洞牌友和忠實助手。
“I think China has to face the fact that Mao was one of the worst people in human history,” was Rittenberg’s assessment of Mao in old age. “He was a genius, but his genius got completely out of control, so he was a great historic leader and a great historic criminal. He gave himself the right to conduct social experiments that involved upturning the lives of hundreds of millions of people, when he didn’t know what the outcome might be. And that created famines in which tens of millions died, and a revolution in which nobody knows how many died.” At a personal level, he said: “I didn’t feel any warmth, although he said nice things about me.”
李敦白(Sidney Rittenberg 1921年8月14日-2019年8月24日): 在中國35年多的美國人
In 1993 his memoir, The Man Who Stayed Behind, was published, and in 2012 he was the subject of the documentary The Revolutionary.
He taught into his 90s at several US universities. On his office door at one there was a sign that read “S. Rittenberg. History.” Under it, he wrote: “Not yet.”
He is survived by Yulin and their children, Jenny, Toni, Sunny and Sidney Jr, and four grandchildren.
a poem by Edwin Markham:
They drew a circle that shut me out
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout
But love and I had the wit to win;
We drew a circle that took them in.
78RPM - Chee Lai Songs of New China Paul Robeson Liu Liang Mo (1941) Keynote 109
“And herein lies the tragedy of the age: not that men are poor,––all men know something of poverty; not that men are wicked,––who is good? not that men are ignorant,––what is Truth? Nay, but that men know so little of men.” - W. E. B. DuBois, “The Souls of Black Folk”
The Afro-American intellectual and civil rights activist W.E.B. Dubois studied in Berlin and Heidelberg from 1892 to 1894. He admired Otto von Bismarck, as a man who unified Germany and Dubois hoped the US could follow.
李敦白(Sidney Rittenberg 1921-2019年8月24日) Major timeline
父母失和; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, majored in philosophy. In 1942, after leaving the Communist Party—Rittenberg joined the Army and was sent to Stanford's Army Far Eastern Language and Area School to learn Chinese.1944年夏隨軍派往中國,1946年到延安,
1949年~1955年 間諜入監。
1968年2月~ 1977年11月 和白求恩-延安造反團的成員如愛潑斯坦和丘茉莉夫婦等被逮捕。妻子王玉琳被派往五七幹校。1979年回美國度假,《紐約時報》對他定調;1980年,李敦白攜家人離開中國。
1964.1.18 李敦白、Israel Epstein、毛、斯特朗 Anna Louise Strong
Anna Louise Strong ( 安娜·路易絲·斯特朗 1885 – 1970)
1921年去蘇聯莫斯科,創辦《莫斯科新聞》1958年第6次到中國,並定居北京,時年72歲。之後主編《中國通訊》。 Eleanor Roosevelt are "reports from Anna Louise Strong during and after her visits to Russia and China"
Sydney Strong, her father
馬海德, George Hatem,1910-1988),醫生,祖籍黎巴嫩麥騰縣,出生在美國水牛城,1937年加入中國共產黨,長期在陝甘寧邊區從事醫療工作,中華人民共和國成立後加入中華人民共和國籍,是首個獲得中華人民共和國國籍的外籍人士。1936年,馬海德在宋慶齡的介紹下,同埃德加·斯諾前往陝甘寧邊區採訪中國共產黨總部,後為中共事跡感動,決定留在陝北。1937年,他改用馬海德為自己的名字,並加入中國共產黨,任陝甘寧邊區衛生部顧問。
談"李敦白(Sidney Rittenberg): 在中國35年多的美國人",主要的書目:
Publisher: Simon & Schuster ( 1993)
李敦白(Sidney Rittenberg)等: The Man Who Stayed Behind By Sidney Rittenberg and Amanda Bennett. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1993
Duke University Press, 2001
李敦白(Sidney Rittenberg),雅瑪達.伯納(Amanda Bennett)作 ; 林瑞唐譯,台北智庫文化<1994
红幕后的洋人 : 李敦白回忆录
李敦白(Sidney Rittenberg),贝內特(Amanda Bennett)著 ; 丁薇译,,上海人民出版社,2006
我是一個中國的美國人 : 李敦白(Sidney Rittenberg)口述歷史
李敦白口述 ; 徐秀麗撰寫
李敦白(Sidney Rittenberg 1921年8月14日-2019年8月24日)和毛澤東在中共領導人的一次集會上。李敦白曾是中共的宣傳家、毛澤東的忠實助手,但卻遭遇了毛澤東的懷疑、得罪了毛澤東的妻子,並在獄中度過16年。
評論家Vivian Gornick在時報“紅色世紀”專題文章中寫道,美國一度有數十上百萬共產主義者,十月革命是他們的創始神話,馬克思主義是他們的世界觀;有人說,美國曾有共產黨,真是幸運。
《築就我們的國家:20世紀美國左派思想》Achieving Our Country, 源於羅蒂(RichardRorty,1931-2007)於1997年所作的「麥西美國文明史系列講座」。書中的羅蒂自始至終慷慨激昂、充滿自信,他旨在激勵美國左派知識分子積極參與國內事條,重新點燃他們心中的熱情,從而恢復美國文化生活的平衡。
美國的民族自豪感:惠特曼與杜威American National Pride: Whitman and Dewey
改良左派的衰落The Eclipse of the Reformist Left
文化左派A Cultural Left
社會運動與政治活動 Movements and Campaigns
我是一個中國的美國人:李敦白口述歷史 2015
第三部分 智慧療法
China Witness (English) Hardcover –Rawson Assoc 1981
Sidney Rittenberg
Sidney Rittenberg, 98, a U.S. soldier who stayed in China for 35 years after World War II, serving as a dedicated aide to Chairman Mao Zedong. After being incarcerated twice on espionage charges, he became disillusioned with Communism and moved back to the U.S., where he advised companies seeking to capitalize on China’s booming economy.
He had no regrets for the years he spent in China.
He was motivated then, as now, to support the Chinese people’s quest to taste the responsibilities and rewards of freedom.
Ben Chen 背景的對聯,是徐悲鴻的字。
The best personal thing to come out of Rittenberg’s years in China was acquiring “the world’s best wife,” he said. “In my 98 years of existence, I did one really smart thing on my own,” he said. He and Yulin became friends before he expressed more serious feelings. “When I got out of prison, she was put in charge of getting me back to normal life…whatever that is. Our quarrels always end with me having the last word…Yes, dear,” he said, laughing.
Henry Kissinger、1923年 -GTE的故事
三、協助華萊士訪華Mike Wallace (1918~2012 ) of CBS as the lead reporter on 60 Minutes
四、葛培理牧師 the Rev. Billy Graham(1918 – 2018)
1996 Congressional Gold Medal shows Ruth and Billy Graham in profile (obverse); the Ruth and Billy Graham Children's Health Center in Asheville, North Carolina (reverse).
2012/90 歲
1967?/ The Revolutionary (2012) - IMDb
第五部分 風雨故人:一、宋慶齡 二、周恩來 三、陳毅 四、王震 五、李先念 六、劉少奇 七、王光美 八、鄧小平 九、任弼時 十、廖承志 十一、陸定一 十二、聶榮臻 十三、賀龍 十四、彭真十五、張體學 十六、陳少敏 十七、師哲 十八、溫濟澤 十九、丁一嵐 二十、于光遠二十一、丁玲二十二、周揚 二十三、李慎之 二十四、新華社的「怪」專家 二十五、陶鑄二十六、冀朝鼎 二十七、陳翰笙二十八、孟用潛 二十九、錢鍾書三十、郭沫若三十一、楊憲益三十二、江青三十三、張春橋三十四、陳伯達 三十五、王洪文三十六、王力三十七、蒯大富 三十八、聶元梓三十九、安娜.路易斯.斯特朗 四十、馬海德四十一、愛潑斯坦四十二、寒春 陽早四十三、馬尼婭四十四、舒子章四十五、朱鎔基
“I think as far as the United States is concerned, we don’t really understand what we’re dealing with in China, and therefore it is not possible to deal intelligently with it,” …Intelligent people are threatening the largest country in the world with destruction. “So suppose if they really get an opportunity to carry out those threats; would it be possible to destroy the other without destroying one’s self? How could that be possible?” He suggested “why not give up on the idea of destruction?”~ Aug. 14, 2019 interview
“他的故事引人入勝,或許最好理解成現代中國的縮影,”記者加里·里夫林曾寫道。 “他從身陷囹圄的僑民搖身一變,成為收費不菲的國際中間人,反映出這個國家的轉變——從一個封閉的共產主義國家轉變成一個自由賺錢的社會,擁有一批新的企業家,他們的夢想與硅谷那樣的地方人們腦海中的夢想並無二致。”
“我幫助那些為新中國效力的人是對的,”李敦白曾在回憶錄中寫道。 “但我把黨當作真理的化身,對黨給予不加批判、毫不懷疑的忠誠卻是大錯特錯。”李敦白於上週六在美國去世,享年98歲
李敦白(Sidney Rittenberg)荒誕的人生傳奇不僅止於在中國度過的35年——獲釋後,他回到美國,成為西方資本家的顧問,幫助他們在開拓中國市場的過程中賺大錢。比爾·蓋茨和邁克爾·S·戴爾等商業領袖都是他的客戶。在中國,他仍然受到歡迎,帶領企業家組團旅行,把他們介紹給這個國家的權勢人物。
Rittenberg's connections and experience enabled him to run a consultancy business representing some of the world's biggest brands, such as Intel, Levi Strauss, Microsoft, Hughes Aircraft and Teledesic
In 1993, he wrote a book about his experiences in China entitled The Man Who Stayed Behind.
In 2012, a documentary about Rittenberg was released, called The Revolutionary
Manage Your Mind: Set Yourself Free Paperback – 2016
by Sidney Rittenberg
Sidney Rittenberg was imprisoned in China on false charges for sixteen years. Yet instead of being angry, scarred, or bitter, he is merry, affectionate, balanced, and fun. In this book, he offers the welcome news that we are stronger than we think. We can learn ways that can guide us through struggles we never imagined. We can use our minds to deal with negative emotions and help us identify our purpose. Everyone can benefit from these life lessons, learned the hard way.
“Manage Your Mind, Set Yourself Free,” to answer the most asked question, “How did you survive 16 years in solitary confinement in prison?” “How does it happen that my life was struck by a series of disasters like long-term solitary and then being stricken by some mysterious disease, and yet turns out to be an unusually happy life?
“How is that possible? I think the answer is…no matter what happens, you are in charge of your life, but you have to take charge.”
我是一個中國的美國人:李敦白口述歷史 第三部分 智慧療法
二、辯證法幫了大忙 Dialectic Society
2019年8月29日 星期四
聶元梓(1921年4月5日-2019年8月28日);李敦白看聶元梓 ;《聶元梓文革後的半生點滴》(劉若)
Maypole vs pole: 漢語發音與英譯的中文還原: The Man Who Stayed Behind By Sidney Rittenberg and Amanda Bennett.
红幕后的洋人 : 李敦白回忆录
李敦白(Sidney Rittenberg),贝內特(Amanda Bennett)著 ; 丁薇译,上海人民出版社,2006,此譯本的大問題是"亂刪"等,非本篇所討論。


談"李敦白(Sidney Rittenberg): 在中國35年多的美國人",主要的書目:

Maypole vs pole: 漢語發音與英譯的中文還原: The Man Who Stayed Behind By Sidney Rittenberg and Amanda Bennett.
红幕后的洋人 : 李敦白回忆录
李敦白(Sidney Rittenberg),贝內特(Amanda Bennett)著 ; 丁薇译,上海人民出版社,2006,此譯本的大問題是"亂刪"等,非本篇所討論。


談"李敦白(Sidney Rittenberg): 在中國35年多的美國人",主要的書目:
