2019年4月25日 星期四

Orhan Pamuk的伊斯坦堡回憶 所用的相片之照像大師 Ara Guler 過世

Istanbul By Colin Thubron :A Strangeness in My Mind by Orhan Pamuk

Celebrated Turkish writer and Nobel Literature Prize winner Orhan Pamuk famously used Guler's images in his book "Istanbul: Memories and the City" in which the smoky and misty photos provided the perfect accompaniment to the text.

159 Istanbul (I): Orhan Pamuk的伊斯坦堡回憶 2017-05-19 【漢清講堂】
hc iTaiwan forum

伊斯坦堡三部曲(I):Pamuk的回憶費里特·奧罕·帕慕克(Ferit Orhan Pamuk,1952年6月7日-),土耳其作家,2006年度諾貝爾文學獎 ...


160 Istanbul (II):John Berger 在博斯普鲁斯海峡上 2017-05-19 【漢清講堂】
hc iTaiwan forum

Istanbul By Colin Thubron :A Strangeness in My Mind by Orhan Pamuk
圖像裡可能有1 人、戶外
In pictures: 'Eye of Istanbul' photographer Ara Guler dies at 90

BBC News

Legendary Istanbul Photographer Ara Guler Dies at 90

Voice of America

Turkish photographer Ara Guler dead at 90

Washington Post


土耳其傳奇攝影家 Ara Guler逝世,享年90歲。

Guler以畢生攝影伊斯坦堡面貌而著名,紀錄了該市幾十年來的變遷,被譽為「伊斯坦堡之眼」。同時,丘吉爾、甘地、畢加索等名人,Guler 都曾拍攝過他們的照片。


'Eye of Istanbul' Ara Guler dies at 90

Nicknamed the Eye of Istanbul, he captured the changing city and photographed many world figures.

