2018年11月4日 星期日

《喬治‧ 桑與福樓拜 George Sand’s unfinished legacy》; FLAUBERT’S PARROT (1984) : 2018-0509 漢清講堂

《喬治‧ 桑與福樓拜 》The George Sand–Gustave Flaubert Letters.…

George Sand and Gustave Flaubert

227 《喬治‧ 桑與福樓拜 》 2018-0509 漢清講堂

半年前,我錄Flaubert and George Sand時,注意到2017年的新書Flaubert in the Ruins of Paris: The Story of a Friendship, a Novel, and a Terrible Year (2017) 當時,粗心大意,沒注意Brooks與Brook的差別,忘掉查作者Peter Brook ,以為他是來過台灣的戲劇導演Peter Brook (born 1925), theatre director。
Peter Brooks (born 1938) is Sterling Professor Emeritus of Comparative Literature at Yale University and Andrew W. Mellon Scholar in the department of Comparative Literature and the Center for Human Values at Princeton University. He has been Professor in the Department of English and School of Law at the University of Virginia. Among his many accomplishments is the founding of the Whitney Humanities Center at Yale University. Brooks is an interdisciplinary scholar whose work cuts across French and English literature, law, and psychoanalysis. He was influenced by fellow Yale scholar, Paul de Man, to whom his book Reading for the Plot is dedicated.[1]

福樓拜Gustave Flaubert的《庸見詞典》 Dictionnaire des idées reçues :
Lion 獅子 是大度的。總在玩一個球。吼得好,獅子!獅子和老虎竟然是貓科動物!
Mike, the real cat who helped keep the British Museum’s gate from 1909–1929
Cat Poems and Rhymes

“Books say: She did this because. Life says: She did this. Books are where things are explained to you; life is where things aren't. I'm not surprised some people prefer books.”
―from FLAUBERT’S PARROT (1984) by Julian Barnes
A kind of detective story, relating a cranky amateur scholar’s search for the truth about Gustave Flaubert, and the obsession of this detective whose life seems to oddly mirror those of Flaubert’s characters. READ more here: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/…/flauberts-parrot-by-j…/

During her lifetime George Sand was one of the highest-paid writers in France. But her legacy is still that of the cigar-smoking, cross-dressing partner of famous men


George Sand’s unfinished legacy
Nearly 150 years after her death, the focus remains on her celebrity not her work

Nohant, peut-être trop vaste et pas assez mondain pour Chopin...
"Chopin voulait toujours Nohant et ne supportait jamais Nohant.
Il était l'homme du monde par excellence, non pas du monde trop officiel et trop nombreux, mais du monde intime, des salons de vingt personnes, de l'heure où la foule s'en va et où les habitués se pressent autour de l'artiste pour lui arracher par d'aimables importunités le plus pur de son inspiration. C'est alors seulement qu'il donnait tout son génie et tout son talent...".
Extrait d'Histoire de ma vie, autobiographie de George Sand.
Illustration : portrait de Chopin par Eugène Delacroix en 1838, conservé au musée du Louvre ; photo de la maison de George Sand à Nohant, façade sud (les deux fenêtres ouvertes correspondent à celles de la chambre que Chopin occupait au sein de la maison).


Château de Nohant
House of George Sand - Wikipedia


House of George Sand - Wikipedia
The House of George Sand is a writer's house museum in the village of Nohant, in the Indre department of France. It was the home of George Sand (born as Aurore Dupin; 1804–1876), a French author, and was purchased by the French state in 1952. The house was preserved because it was where Sand wrote...

