2018年7月6日 星期五

記美國弗勒斯納(Abraham Flexner)先生(胡適稿) ;Institute for Advanced Study 前傳; 2018-02-21 漢清講堂

大慈善家喬治‧伊斯曼 (1857~1932善款超過億元)對當地的U of Rochester 特別照顧:
In 1918, he endowed the establishment of the Eastman School of Music at the University of Rochester, and in 1921 a school of medicine and dentistry there. ---WIKIPEDIA
Abraham Flexner先生就是他捐醫學及牙醫學院的時候,笑問他最景仰的科學家是誰?.....然後展開他對純科學研究者的景仰......

【記美國弗勒斯納(Abraham Flexner)先生(胡適) 】

愛因斯坦永久放棄德國國籍72年後,德國這個當初被愛因斯坦拋棄的國家,決定將2005年命名為“愛因斯坦年”,並決定將愛因斯坦的政治信條刻在政府大樓上: “國家是為人而設立的,而人不是為國家而生存。

從胡適 (1891-1962)記 Abraham Flexner (1866-1959...
217 記美國弗勒斯納(Abraham Flexner)先生(胡適) 2018-02-21 漢清講堂

這片子,基本上可當 Institute for Advanced Study 的前十年1930~1940的簡介。它從1930創立起,人才濟濟,很可以專門為它做套小傳。
2018.6.21,看Institute for Advanced Study在2017年5月的一場演講: 

Matisse’s Scale: What’s with the Bamboo Stick? - Yve-Alain Bois


Public Lecture: May 5, 2017 Matisse’s Scale: What’s with the Bamboo Stick? Yve-Alain Bois In this public lecture, Bois will focus on Matisse’s use of the bamboo stick in large-scale works and the bodily conception of scale it entails. In a photograph dating from 1931, Matisse is shown sketching The Dance—a gigantic mural commissioned by Albert Barnes for his Foundation—with his charcoal at the end of a six-foot bamboo stick. This unusual practice stems from the artist’s discovery that squaring up a small sketch, as has been the standard procedure for large paintings and murals, was incompatible with his aesthetic. The bamboo stick resurfaces in Matisse’s studio at the end of the 1940s when he is working on his Vence Chapel, his old age further emphasizing the acrobatic nature of the feat and the amazing control the artist had of his drawing tool (and his wrist). But while Matisse’s use of the cane is consistent with the artist’s creed with regard to two of the chapel’s murals—Saint Dominic and the Virgin and Child—it seems absurd when he dealt with the third mural, the Stations of the Cross, for which each of the fourteen stations were first sketched on individual pieces of paper at their final scale. More videos on http://video.ias.edu

On April 13, 2018, the Institute gathered in celebration of Professor Emeritus Freeman Dyson's Maker of Patterns: An Autobiography through Letters. In this public lecture, Dyson reads brief excerpts from the book, a collection of…
Theoretical physicist J Robert Oppenheimer was born in New York, New York on this day in 1904.
“He was, in fact, an immensely human figure, as talented as he was complex, at once brilliant and naïve, a passionate advocate for social justice and a tireless government adviser whose commitment to harnessing a runaway nuclear arms race earned him powerful bureaucratic enemies. As his friend Rabi said, in addition to being 'very wise, he was very foolish'.”
―from AMERICAN PROMETHEUS: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer (2005) by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin
J. Robert Oppenheimer is one of the iconic figures of the twentieth century, a brilliant physicist who led the effort to build the atomic bomb for his country in a time of war, and who later found himself confronting the moral consequences of scientific progress. In this magisterial, acclaimed biography twenty-five years in the making, Kai Bird and Martin Sherwin capture Oppenheimer’s life and times, from his early career to his central role in the Cold War. This is biography and history at its finest, riveting and deeply informative. READ an excerpt here: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/…/american-prometheus-b…/

  • 1995 After the Fact: Two Countries, Four Decades, One Anthropologist. [The Jerusalem-Harvard Lectures]. Cambridge and London: Harvard University Press.

217 記美國弗勒斯納(Abraham Flexner)先生(胡適日記) 2018-02-21 漢清講堂





