紀念安迪・葛洛夫(Andrew Grove) 鍾漢清 2016-03-27
hc iTaiwan forum

Andrew Grove 基金會提倡技職專業的教育。然而,美國、德國或許多先進國家都是反其道而行,高中-大學這條路最熱門。
Andrew Grove (1936 – 2016) 1995年寫的新序:
High Output Management Paperback – August 29, 1995.
Andrew Grove (1936 – 2016) 1995年寫的新序:
High Output Management Paperback – August 29, 1995. ... In this legendary business book and Silicon Valley staple, the former chairman and CEO (and employee number three) of Intel shares his perspective on how to build and run a company.
High Output Management Paperback – August 29, 1995. ... In this legendary business book and Silicon Valley staple, the former chairman and CEO (and employee number three) of Intel shares his perspective on how to build and run a company.

彭博報導,英特爾執行長科再奇(Brian Krzanich)在公司官網聲明說:「英特爾前董事長與執行長葛洛夫辭世,我們深感難過。」他說:「葛洛夫讓不可能變成可能,一次又一次,激勵好幾代技術專家、企業家與企業領導人。」
Andy Grove was one of the giants of the technology world. He loved our country and epitomized America at its best. Rest in peace.— Tim Cook (@tim_cook) 2016年3月22日
The loss of an epitome of Chinese writer and translator: George Kao
三星電子超越英特爾成全球芯片銷售冠軍 |
2012:前一陣在You Tube 看昔日半導體業大英雄Andy Grove 抱病做”顧氏?紀念演講” ,諄諄告誡國人務必多深入研究醫療經濟學。
1996?:這本書提到 W. Edwards Deming 一處,「恐懼可以成為自滿的剋星。因自滿而受到傷害的,通常正是那些最成功的人。」 (10 倍速時代 p.151) (尋智書摘第 1輯 )
1996?:這本書提到 W. Edwards Deming 一處,「恐懼可以成為自滿的剋星。因自滿而受到傷害的,通常正是那些最成功的人。」 (10 倍速時代 p.151) (尋智書摘第 1輯 )
接下來的兩本書,包括《十倍速時代 》(Only the Paranoid Survive 1996)和匈牙利成長回憶錄《葛魯夫自傳--橫度生命湖 》(Swimming Across: A Memoir 2001),台灣也都有出版:
(10 倍速時代 Only the Paranoid Survive提到 W. Edwards Deming 一處,「恐懼可以成為自滿的剋星。因自滿而受到傷害的,通常正是那些最成功的人。」 , p.151) ( 尋智書摘第1 輯)
PHILANTHROPY: Speaking of systems thinking, you were famous at Intel for your management philosophy that “only the paranoid survive.” By that, you meant that a business must always be hyper-attentive to possible threats and opportunities. Is such paranoia a helpful mindset for a philanthropist?
慈善事業:說到系統思考,你是在英特爾公司以“只有偏執狂才能生存” 管理理念出名。你的意思是,一個企業必須始終對可能的威脅和機遇超細心和敏感。這樣的"偏執"想法和心態,對慈善家是否有幫助?
MR. GROVE: Yes, it is, in the following sense. It’s very hard to shape inanimate material into semiconductors or pharmaceuticals. Nature constantly wants to derail your experiment. The only thing that’s harder than shaping inanimate material is trying to shape animate material—and most difficult of all is trying to shape the activities of people. Then it is not just nature that is trying to derail you; people themselves do a pretty good job of it. If you feel strongly toward achieving something through philanthropy, I think what I call paranoia—a deep suspicion about all of the many things that can go wrong—is necessary.
MR. GROVE: Yes, it is, in the following sense. It’s very hard to shape inanimate material into semiconductors or pharmaceuticals. Nature constantly wants to derail your experiment. The only thing that’s harder than shaping inanimate material is trying to shape animate material—and most difficult of all is trying to shape the activities of people. Then it is not just nature that is trying to derail you; people themselves do a pretty good job of it. If you feel strongly toward achieving something through philanthropy, I think what I call paranoia—a deep suspicion about all of the many things that can go wrong—is necessary.
PHILANTHROPY: Are you as paranoid about vocational education as you were about business?
先生。格羅夫:這兩件事的細節當然不同,但從偏執之方式上說它們非常相似。管理上的偏執涉及試圖去預測誰會有意或無意間讓你放慢腳步,或者誰都會讓你敗事。這種態度通常學校是不會教的,所以我會去寫那本書。。現在,談到職業教育,你記不記得總統在1983年的教育報告[處於危險中的國家]中 的話,它開頭這樣說:“如果一個不友善的外國勢力今天企圖讓美國的教育成績平庸的話,我們很可能會視其為戰爭行為。” 這是偏執心態嗎?
MR. GROVE: The details are of course different, but in this way, they are very similar. Paranoia in management involves trying to anticipate who intentionally or unintentionally will slow you down, or who will derail you. Usually this attitude is not taught in school, which is why I wrote my book. Now, as for vocational education, do you recall the words of the presidential report on education [A Nation at Risk] from 1983? It started out by saying, “If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war.” Is this paranoia?
Well, the same thing applies to vocational education—only doubly so. Most people don’t even realize the need for more highly trained workers. The assumption remains that technical education is for less intelligent people. The first item cut from educational budgets is vocational education. People are required to be suitably trained for their work requirements, and yet the classes that are required for this are cut to the bone. In some instances, students are halfway through the course when funding is cut and then they are sent home. We create a damned obstacle course for people who want to work!
先生。格羅夫:這兩件事的細節當然不同,但從偏執之方式上說它們非常相似。管理上的偏執涉及試圖去預測誰會有意或無意間讓你放慢腳步,或者誰都會讓你敗事。這種態度通常學校是不會教的,所以我會去寫那本書。。現在,談到職業教育,你記不記得總統在1983年的教育報告[處於危險中的國家]中 的話,它開頭這樣說:“如果一個不友善的外國勢力今天企圖讓美國的教育成績平庸的話,我們很可能會視其為戰爭行為。” 這是偏執心態嗎?
MR. GROVE: The details are of course different, but in this way, they are very similar. Paranoia in management involves trying to anticipate who intentionally or unintentionally will slow you down, or who will derail you. Usually this attitude is not taught in school, which is why I wrote my book. Now, as for vocational education, do you recall the words of the presidential report on education [A Nation at Risk] from 1983? It started out by saying, “If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war.” Is this paranoia?
Well, the same thing applies to vocational education—only doubly so. Most people don’t even realize the need for more highly trained workers. The assumption remains that technical education is for less intelligent people. The first item cut from educational budgets is vocational education. People are required to be suitably trained for their work requirements, and yet the classes that are required for this are cut to the bone. In some instances, students are halfway through the course when funding is cut and then they are sent home. We create a damned obstacle course for people who want to work!
紀念 Andrew S. Grove ( 1936 – 2016)
本周三,驚聞 Andrew S. Grove 先生過世:決定27日簡短做一紀念他的影片。
我沒見過他,與他談過話,而只是Grove先生的事業、產業和他的書和人生的讀者、觀察者。換句話說,連Peter Drucker說的"旁觀者"都談不上。
更多本周三,驚聞 Andrew S. Grove 先生過世:決定27日簡短做一紀念他的影片。
我沒見過他,與他談過話,而只是Grove先生的事業、產業和他的書和人生的讀者、觀察者。換句話說,連Peter Drucker說的"旁觀者"都談不上。
The Wall Street Journal
Apple is breaking up with Intel and transitioning to its own computer processors, in a long-anticipated shift that ends a 15-year partnership.
Apple Breaks Up With Intel, Transitions to In-House Chips for Macs
Former Intel CEO Paul Otellini has passed away at 66
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Paul Otellini - Wikipedia
Paul Stevens Otellini (October 12, 1950 – October 2, 2017) was an American businessman and onetime president and CEO of Intel. He was also on the board of ...
歐德寧在英特爾一待就是 40 年,身為公司唯一的非理工背景 CEO ,在擔任執行長的 8 年間,他帶領公司走向市場並獲得更多利潤。
2005 年,歐德寧被任命為英特爾第五任 CEO,迄今為止,他是英特爾 49 年歷史裡唯一一位不具備工程師專業背景的 CEO。
作為帶著經濟學學士學位和 MBA 出身的管理者,歐德寧在任 CEO 期間,曾將英特爾從一家只注重技術的公司,轉型成為更貼近市場的企業。
2005 年,歐德寧就拿下了和蘋果合作的訂單,為 Mac 配上英特爾的晶片。
相對於單獨銷售晶片,他認為作為平台的英特爾產品更有價值。他曾將處理器、Intel 晶片組和 Intel 無線網卡組合成迅馳(Centrino),有力地鞏固了英特爾在手提電腦領域的優勢地位。
在歐德寧在任英特爾 CEO 的八年裡,英特爾的財務表現非常出色。如果不是因為 2000 年的市場泡沫,歐德寧在任期間為公司帶來的 660 億美元淨利潤(net income),將超過前任數位 CEO 聯合為公司賺取的 680 億美元淨利潤。
2012 年,英特爾以 110 億美元的營收,輕易超過了高通、德州儀器、Broadcom、Nvidia 和 Marvel 創造的 95 億美元營收總和。老對頭 AMD 那年的虧損更是高達 10 億美元。
不過,歐德寧在卸任 CEO 一職後,也曾坦言,自己的職業生涯中最後悔的一件事,就是當初在蘋果找上門時,沒有跟隨直覺答應為 iPhone 生產晶片。
他(歐德寧)很聰明、精力充沛而且為人謹慎。在我看來, Andy Grove 是一位很好的管理者,而歐德寧則是一位領導者,他更像 David Packard。
曾在 70 年代和歐德寧共事的前英特爾市場部高管 Bill Davidow 說道。
而他的繼任者,現英特爾 CEO Brian Krzanich 也表示,歐德寧一直都是英特爾「工程師海洋中,堅定要從顧客需求出發的聲音。他教會我們,只有把客戶放在第一位,我們才會取得勝利。」
此外,歐德寧生前還擔任了 Alphabet 公司董事會的獨立董事。當 Google CEO Sundar Pichai 得知歐德寧離世消息後,也在推特上發文表示悼念:
安迪・葛洛夫(Andrew Grove) 在這本回憶錄中,說明戰後共產黨掌權,他在學的文章都被做掉,無法刊登,多少讓他興起不如移民美國之想法。