藝術家的書(從馬諦斯到當代藝術 大展)
.....Matisse THE BOOKS..........藤田嗣治的百多本插畫書......Andy’s Magnificent Seven Illustrated Books 1952–1959 簡介Tériade的代表作"VERVE"藝術雜誌and "Great Books"Matisse THE BOOKS By LOUISE ROGERS LALAURIE
Andy’s Magnificent Seven
Illustrated Books
簡介Tériade的代表作"VERVE"藝術雜誌and "Great Books"
【漢清講堂】3年,希望多作10分鐘左右的片子。想作2位希臘人:Teriade (他的Verve季刊和偉大的插畫書) 及 Odysseas Elytis ,想找後者的詩選。翻亂書堆,沒找到;卻有韓學長的"音樂文集(二)";以及孫康宜教授的【走出白色恐怖】(北京:三聯,2002)---阿邦說,此書可/該拍成電影,"願聞其詳"....
Verve (1937–60) - Wikipedia
Verve was a modernist Parisian art magazine published by Teriade between 1937 and 1960. The magazine was first published in December 1937. The headquarters of the magazine was in Paris. It published 38 issues in 10 volumesTériade - Wikipedia
Tériade is the nom de plume of Stratis (or Efstratios) Eleftheriades a native of Mytilene who went to Paris in 1915 at the age of eighteen to study ... as Picasso, Matisse, René Daumal in the first half of the century to produce series of works for his legendary quarterly journal Verve (1937-1960) or the later Grands Livres.19:22192 簡介Tériade的代表作"VERVE"and"Great Books" 2017-09-05