Frieze :3500年的文化 2017-06-16 鍾漢清
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Frieze :3500年的文化2017-06-16 鍾漢清從帕特儂內殿的Frieze談起【漢清講堂】 心得分享與討論會地址:台北市新生南路三段88號2樓 ...
I made this post in the Klimt group explaining the full splendour of the Stoclet Frieze in Brussels.
Stoclet Frieze at the Stoclet Palace in Brussels
I made a comment somewhere and then I posted this picture, and then I thought I cannot explain it otherwise to all the members of the group.
This is how the Stoclet Frieze really looks like in the Stoclet Palace. The murals are integrated in the dining room. The Stoclet Palace is a masterwork of Vienna Secession, build by Joseph Hoffman. That we still have it as it was at the time, is thanks to Adolphe Stoclet and his heirs. Brussels doesn't allow tall buildings to be build near to it. Regretfully it is not open to the public...
Detail: Beethoven frieze, Vienna. Gustav Klimt. 1902.
"The Beethoven Frieze" (The Hostile Powers, detail), 1901.
by Gustav Klimt
Pheidias was the ancient Greek artist likely responsible for designing the sculptures and friezes of the Parthenon, and Rodin thought he was ‘the greatest of sculptors’. Sometimes Rodin even drew directly from these ancient works – his ‘The Age of Bronze’ mirrors the pose of this figure from the Parthenon frieze.
This part of a frieze shows a dynamic battle between the Greeks and the Amazons, a mythical tribe of fierce female warriors. It was made around 350 BC for the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Once painted with vivid colours, the complete frieze around the building was 140 metres long!
上個月忘記江20世紀初的重要繪畫:Beethoven Frieze - Wikipedia The Beethoven Frieze is a painting by Gustav Klimt on display in the Secession Building, Vienna, Austria. Contents. [hide]. 1 Description; 2 Depiction on coin ... Description · Depiction on coin Gustav Klimt, Beethoven Frieze (video) | Khan Academy Video for Beethoven Frieze▶
7:28 Gustav Klimt, Beethoven Frieze, Vienna Secession, 1902 A conversation with Khan Academy's Dr. Steven ...Read more
painted frieze in Red House (William Morris) panorama of a frieze in the Precinct of Amun Re
Beethoven Fries - Die Sehnsucht nach Glück (Poesie), 1902 by Gustav Klimt.
At 31 yards long, this limestone slab was inscribed with millennia-old Luwian, an ancient language spoken by people in modern-day Turkey.
A great prince, an almost-forgotten ancient script, and whisperings of a…
An 8th-century B.C. example of Luwian script, from the Oriental Institute Museum at the University of Chicago. PUBLIC DOMAIN