2019年1月28日 星期一

Parthenon (希臘雅典衛城之謎);15 Rarely Seen Details Of The Parthenon. Keat’s Ode on a Grecian Urn



170 Parthenon (希臘雅典衛城之謎) 2017-06-15 鍾漢清
hc iTaiwan forum

希臘雅典衛城(The Acropolis of Athen)的神殿( Parthenon) 每四年雅典人便會舉行泛雅典娜節,其與奧林匹克運動會的重要度相約。

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Frederic Edwin Church visited Greece in 1869 and spent several weeks in Athens. There, he painted numerous studies and oil sketches of the ruins of the Parthenon that later served as the basis for this work. http://met.org/2g9MQTj

Featured Artwork of the Day: Frederic Edwin Church (American, 1826–1900) | The Parthenon | 1871
讀Keat’s Ode on a Grecian Urn 時,不斷追問:
” What is the whole poem about?”
“ What exactly has Keats seen ( or chosen to show us) depicted on the urn he is describing?”.
人類學:“What is the general form of their life?” “ What exactly are the vehicles in which that form is embodied?”
(一景是群眾狂歡; 二景是青年追逐一姑娘; 三景是群眾牽一牛在街上走,要去宰牛祭天。每一景都是monent of truth,對詩人而言,則是moment of beauty),『希臘古甕曲』是一種了解與解釋。
Clifford Geertz (1983)“From the Native’s Point of View: On the Nature of Anthropological Understanding ”in Local Knowledge : Further Essays in Interpretive Anthropology , pp. 55-70, Basic Books 這本有簡體字中譯本『地方性知識』,北京:中央編譯出版社(2000)。可能是「過度詮釋」一例,本文譯成「文化持有者的內部眼界:論人類學理解的本質」。我這篇雜誌或許能協助讀者進入我的「過度詮釋」。
G. Bateson's(1949) " Bali: The Value System of a Steady State" in Steps To An Ecology Of Mind(1972,1987),Jason Aroson, Inc.
M. H. Abrams附錄
Keat’s Ode on a Grecian Urn(希臘古甕曲):【Clifford Geertz特別提到的Leo Spitzer的解釋Keat's Platoism,用 色表示;我依Keat 傳記()研究,認為spirit應也是要素。】
Thou still unravish’d bride of quietness. 你是「平靜的」還未曾失身的新娘,
Thou foster-child of silence and slow time, 你是「沉默」和「悠久」抱養的女孩,


The Parthenon, unquestionably the most iconic of the Ancient Greeks' 

