251 日本浮世繪大師--歌川廣重 (歌川広重) 漢清講堂 251
Episode 3
Hiroshige Blue
Hiroshige's struggles to become a successful ukiyo-e artist is supported by his devoted wife. Using a paint called Berlin blue, he pursues his passion for painting, but success comes at a price. Ep.3
There are only a few days left to admire Hiroshige's prints for fans, a little-known part of the master printmaker's work. Uncut and in their first printing, these unique prints have never been exhibited before. An exhibition produced with exceptional loans from the Georges Leskowicz Collection. "Hiroshige and the Fan. Journey to 19th Century Japan". 📆 Until May 29 at the Guimet Museum © Fundacja Jerzego Leskowicza
There are only a few days left to admire Hiroshige's prints for fans, a little-known part of the master printmaker's work. Uncut and in their first printing, these unique prints have never been exhibited before. An exhibition produced with exceptional loans from the Georges Leskowicz Collection. "Hiroshige and the Fan. Journey to 19th Century Japan". 📆 Until May 29 at the Guimet Museum © Fundacja Jerzego Leskowicza
251 日本浮世繪大師--歌川廣重 (歌川広重) 漢清講堂 251