Hanching Chung22
Zuzanna LewandowskaBauhaus ArttroosnpdeSam91ci91umt 8457時5581fcm2a90小g227aaiuimc0g12ffuhm2 ·
FIG ProjectstroosnpdeSam91ci91umt 8457時6581fcm2a90小g227aaiuimc0g12ffuhm2 ·
A tad fetishist, but somehow fascinating. Make 156 models of Le Corbusier's projects (built and unbuilt). Make an exhibition and also organize a symposium about them.
"Le Corbusier’s Models of Worldmaking", in London at the School of The Built Environment and Architecture at London South Bank University.
In his eulogy to Le Corbusier in 1965, French Culture Minister André Malraux said: "Le Corbusier had some great rivals, but none of them had the same significance in the revolution of architecture, because none bore insults so patiently and for so long.”
Le Corbusier did indeed draw criticism – for example, he wanted to abolish city streets, and some saw his mass-housing developments as concrete eyesores.
He was certainly one of the most controversial, and influential, architects of the 20th century.
Fondation Le Corbusier #lecorbusier #architecture #lecorbusiercolours #lecorbusierarchitecture #modernism #modernistarchitect #archilovers #archidaily #architecturequote
Le Corbusier 基金會 Slides showThe Architectural Work of Le Corbusier. An exceptional contribution to the Modern Movement. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KF8CQDp0kyQ&fbclid=IwAR3x_Qjsq4l9V3eRmvP9VUYbp27xTsMd4Mt2HY_m9Oa15UYX_5f2f-SoQdM 2013年12月14日下午5:58 ·
參與人:羅時瑋、陳函谿和陳立儂、鍾漢清、林世堂 (會前與鍾電話) ,陳忠信
據我所知,故王錦堂院長 ( -1999)與東海大學的工業設計系之設立有關,他的博士論文是《論建築創意》….. ,所以此講座的精神符合王先生的志業......
(英國) Poetic Lab 負責人陳函谿及其夥伴在2014五月底至六月第一周間,到東海大學舉行3小時的演講-討論,主題為『我的學習、設計與創業過程』,並繳交可印書的圖文,報酬5萬元及印書50本。
Les Couleurs Le Corbusier 分享了 1 則
As Le Corbusier’s last draft, completed in 1967, two years after his surprising death, the Le Corbusier pavilion in Zurich deserves special attention.
Want to know more? Read one of our articles at
https://www.lescouleurs.ch/…/the-pavilion-le-corbusier-gen…/ #LeCorbusier #Corbu #architecture #architektur Pavillon Le CorbusierLe Corbusier by Heidi Weber
6月10日下午2:00 ·
06—19 | Auftakt | Architektur
Im renovierten Pavillon Le Corbusier wird neu jedes Jahr eine Wechselausstellung präsentiert. Highlight bleibt nach wie vor das legendäre Bauwerk. Mehr dazu unter:
https://www.wohnrevue.ch/…/architekturperle-aus-glas-und-s…/ 2017年6月26日上午10:32 ·
(雖然,正如The Ideal Palace 等所有的建設,都必須親歷其境才算圓滿,但是,我想,這輩子不夠花。)
Opening of "Le Corbusier, the Artist – Works from Six Decades"
2017紀念Le Corbusier和王錦堂
第1~3講:Journey to the East (Dress Rehearsal: Vital Few and Useful Many Talants) (4~6月)
第4講:The Hero of the Heroic Period (1917~28)7月
第5講:Back to Nature (1928~1945) 8月5日
第6講:: Poems、 Modular、Monumental and Symbolic Architecture (1946~65) 9月23 ;
第7講:綜述Corbu 一生:Who Was Le Corbusier 9月23
建築家 Le Corbusier : 最終講 (近代建築の父の真実) 2017-09-15
Happy Birthday Le Corbusier! He helped form the basis of almost all modernist architecture and urban planning, with almost all contemporary theory essentially acting as a continuation of, or a rejection of, his ideals.
Born in the small Swiss city of La Chaux-de-Fonds, Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris—better known by his pseudonym Le Corbusier (October 6, 1887 –...
Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, known as Le Corbusier, was a Swiss-French architect, designer, painter, urban planner, writer, and one of the pioneers of what is now called modern architecture. Wikipedia
Architecture is the learned game, correct and magnificent, of forms assembled in the light.
I prefer drawing to talking. Drawing is faster, and leaves less room for lies.
A house is a machine for living in.
181 le Corbusier:Back to Nature 第5講: 新建築の5要点 2017-08-03 漢清講堂
hc iTaiwan forum
8 views1 month ago
Le Corbusier 第5講: Back to Nature 漢清講堂2017-08-03 Villa Savoye, 薩伏伊別墅是1930年代極具代表性的一座建築,別墅實踐了 ...
背景音樂,隨便選:J.S. Bach - Cantata BWV 66 Erfreut euch, ihr Herzen ,Corbu 該不介意.....
分享題目:Le Corbusier 第四講: 新建築の出発The Hero of the Heroic Period(1917-1928) 漢清講堂2017-08-03.
169 Le Corbusier東方之旅: Greece 2017-06-17 鍾漢清
hc iTaiwan forum
Le Corbusier東方之旅: Greece 鍾漢清【漢清講堂】 心得分享與討論會日期:2017年6月17日(周六),10:00~ 13:00 地址:台北市新生 ...
150 東方之旅:The Voyage to the East (紀念Le Corbusier和王錦堂) 鍾漢清 2017-04-22
hc iTaiwan forum
Hanching Chung
2015年5月20日 17:11 ·
讀Claude Levi-Strauss 的文集《我們都是食人族》中的《藝術家的畫像》 (pp.121~134,1992):⋯⋯
Journey to the East by Charles-Edouard Jeanneret 東方之旅(紀念Le Corbusier和王錦堂) 【漢清講堂】 2017.4.22 心得分享與討論會 ...
161 Istanbul (III) : Le Corbusier 的伊斯坦堡之行(1911) 漢清講堂 2017-05-19
hc iTaiwan forum
【漢清講堂】 心得分享與討論會2017—05—19 伊斯坦堡三部曲160 Istanbul (II):John Berger 在博斯普鲁斯海峡 ...
Bureau Français de Taipei - 法國在台協會現代主義建築教父-柯比意130歲紀念特展/ Le Corbusier : Exposition rétrospective du père fondateur de l’architecture moderne
Il y a 130 ans naissait Le Corbusier. Il était un architecte différent. On prétend que sans lui, les maisons et les villes ne seraient pas les mêmes. Taipei et Taichung consacrent une exposition à l’œuvre de ce Français, né sous le nom de Charles-Edouard Jeanneret, urbaniste visionnaire, théoricien de la modernité, mais aussi peintre et sculpteur. Il a profondément marqué le 20e siècle en bouleversant la création architecturale et la façon « d’habiter ». L’exposition nous rappelle que le corps de l'homme était au centre de son travail et définissait sa conception de l'espace et les dimensions de son architecture. N’attendez plus pour aller admirer les œuvres du Corbusier, telles que des dessins, des maquettes, des tableaux ou encore des photographies, réunies pour l'occasion.
2017.10.12 約9點半~10點半:去看了展,還不錯,請帶好相機去! 淋濕一身!
LecorbusierUNESCOSee the 17 Le Corbusier Projects Named as UNESCO World Heritage SitesARCHDAILY.COM
The revolutionary city that revived Indian pride
The revolutionary city that revived Indian pride - BBC NewsIn 1950, renowned architect Le Corbusier was invited to create India's most modern city
展覽資訊 :
2014年11月27日 22:36 ·
Revisit The Modern Man's Philosophy, AnimatedLe Corbusier: whether you agree with his principles or fume at them, his influence on contemporary architecture cannot be overemphasized. His obsession with ...
2017年6月26日上午10:32 ·
"後來者"的幸運和感動。今年的【漢清講堂】,我要紀念王錦堂和"柯比意" (L-C, Le Corbusier 1887-1965
講完L-C在1911年的【東方之旅】(約1914年寫完,1966年出版),要進入L-C 30歲,要到巴黎闖天下。
(雖然,正如The Ideal Palace 等所有的建設,都必須親歷其境才算圓滿,但是,我想,這輩子不夠花。)
【柯比意 Le Corbusier:現代建築與純粹主義大師】吳礽喻/編譯,藝術家出版社,2011
書名:柯比意:現代建築與純粹主義大師,原文名稱:Le Corbusier,語言:繁體中文,ISBN:9789862820346,頁數:256,出版社:藝術家,作者:吳礽喻/編譯,出版日期:2011/09/12,類別:藝術設計
我喜歡名詞、 動詞間用的字,譬如說,此兩圖(P. Matisse;Le
Corbusier) 為"clown"。
//事實上,在英國的新聞機構,做文稿編輯工作人員的職銜是subeditor,簡稱sub,而這個字也常用作動詞。同事間問某一篇文章已經被編輯修改了沒有,一般不説「Has it been edited? 」,而是說「Has it been subbed? 」。....."
Exhibition Poster, 1970
"Ideas and designs for a colorful city"
Centre Le Corbusier - Forum for environmental issues. Urban planning utopias and approaches to changing society were discussed and environmental issues explained.
Current exhibition in the pavilion Le Corbusier:
Le Corbusier and the color, May 7th - November 28th, 2021
Comprehensive documentation on the museum
Comprehensive documentation on the museum