1970年代上半葉的台灣新潮文庫........世界視野下的浮世繪名家 北齋THE HOKUSAI SKETCH-BOOKS: Selections from the Manga. By James A. Michener. 1958, Book Reviw By Robert T. Paine Jr.
In Common Things, a Nation's Charm; THE HOKUSAI SKETCH-BOOKS: Selections from the Manga. By James A. Michener. Illustrated. 286 pp. Rutland, Vt., and Tokyo, Japan: Charles E. Tuttle Co. $10.
By Robert T. Paine Jr.
Credit...The New York Times Archives
See the article in its original context from August 3, 1958, Section BR, Page 7Buy Reprints
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IN our generation Hokusai (1760-1849) is better known as a great Japanese print designer than as a book illustrator. But in his own day, and later in Europe, he was perhaps most famous for his fifteen-volume book of sketches called the "Manga." VIEW FULL ARTICLE IN TIMESMACHINE »