Howard Hodgkin: ‘One of the Greatest Painters of the Last 50 Years’
147 紀念Howard Hodgkin 漢清講堂 2017-03-18
hc iTaiwan forum
26 views5 months ago
紀念Howard Hodgkin (1932-2017) 【漢清講堂】 2017.3.18 心得分享與討論會日期:2017年3月18日(周末), 地址:台北市新生南路三 ...
Apollo: The International Art Magazine
Many of the beautiful artworks and artefacts that caught Howard Hodgkin's eye are coming to auction at Sotheby's soon…/
This exhibition exploring the impact of Howard Hodgkin's trips to India on his work closes soon at The Hepworth Wakefield…/ #ArtDiary