2019年6月16日 星期日

紀念 John Berger: ' I WOULD SOFTLY TELL MY LOVE', 農民的寂寞、彈奏手風琴給牲畜聽、小犢的誕生.....十字架的縱(祖先與未來)橫(與他地的交往)相交之地即home....A Touch of Grace Portrait of John Berger 法國里昂Rhône河監獄的故事;"Ways of Seeing”;Portraits: John Berger on Artists

"Our poems
like milestones
must line the road."
By Hickmet, translated by Jon Berger, in ' I WOULD SOFTLY TELL MY LOVE', Jan., 2002

253 亥年談豬:Year of the Boar(2019) 漢清講堂 內有 Pig Earth by John Berger的介紹:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iIiaIjdmvQ&t=9s

A Touch of Grace Portrait of John Berger
解釋馬克思主義有歷史的真實和了解,維缺乏倫理學,當然也找不到美學.....講他2年內一氣呵成 (通常一部小說3~8/9年完成)的To the Wedding - Wikipedia: ...about lovers Gino and Ninon

A Painter of Our Time (1958)
This visionary first novel by the Booker Prize-winning author of To the Wedding and G. is at once a gripping intellectual and moral detective story and a book whose aesthetic insights make it a companion piece to John Berger's great works of art criticism.
"'Life will always be bad enough
for the desire for something better
not to be extinguished in men
(Berger, 1989, p. 5).

張己任 2019.1.4
------伯格《觀看的方式》(John Berger(1926-2017),"Ways of Seeing”)

台大誠品店有Portraits: John Berger on Artists - Verso 一書,最年輕的,約1987年出生
Portraits-pb-vo-1050. Portraits-pb-1050. 9781784781798. Portraits-pb-vo-1050. PortraitsJohn Berger on Artists. by John Berger Edited by Tom Overton.


“You could give me a trillion dollars and I wouldn’t take it,” said Eloisa Cavazos, whose land sits along the Rio Grande, the river separating the U.S. and Mexico in Texas. “It’s not about money.”

"Today the position of the artist has changed. He is no longer valued as the producer of his work, but for the quality of his vision and imagination as expressed in his work. He is no longer primarily a maker of art: he is an example of a man, and it is his art which exemplifies him. This is true at an appreciative and philosophical level even under capitalism, where works of art are treated on the market like any other commodity."
--from ART AND REVOLUTION: Ernst Neizvestny, Endurance, and the Role of the Artist (1969) by John Berger
In this prescient and beautifully written book, Booker Prize-winning author John Berger examines the life and work of Ernst Neizvestny, a Russian sculptor whose exclusion from the ranks of officially approved Soviet artists left him laboring in enforced obscurity to realize his monumental and very public vision of art. But Berger’s impassioned account goes well beyond the specific dilemma of the pre-glasnot Russian artist to illuminate the very meaning of revolutionary art. In his struggle against official orthodoxy–which involved a face-to-face confrontation with Khruschev himself–Neizvestny was fighting not for a merely personal or aesthetic vision, but for a recognition of the true social role of art. His sculptures earn a place in the world by reflecting the courage of a whole people, by commemorating, in an age of mass suffering, the resistance and endurance of millions. READ more here: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/…/art-and-revolution-by…/

紐約時報Todd Heisler/The New York Times
The Wall of Love Outside a Jail
Families have turned the side of a warehouse facing a federal jail in Brooklyn into a message board for their imprisoned relatives.
我轉述過John Berger說過的法國里昂Rhône河監獄的故事:
139 紀念John Berger (鍾漢清) 2017-02-18 - YouTube

紀念 John Berger (鍾漢清) 2017-02-18 1.奇人:John Berger 00-36min 2.John Berger :藝術­文學 36min-62min 3.社會關懷…