2024年10月15日 星期二


......唐香燕以個人回憶錄《時光悠悠美麗島:我所經歷與珍藏的時代》獲非虛構寫作獎。唐香燕是台灣作家,此作中她講述從小成長的經歷,以及她看見的時代,特別是美麗島事件前後看見的人、事、物。評審指,此書「透過個人生活的經驗與記憶,生動描摹時代變遷及人物風采」。音樂獎則由台灣排灣族歌手 ABAO 阿爆(阿仍仍)的專輯《kinakaian 母親的舌頭》獲得。主辦方應為,此專輯成功把台灣排灣族的歌謠與文化帶到主流舞台。
「文藝復興獎」由文藝復興基金會於 2018 年創設,目的是鼓勵華文世界具先鋒性和社會關懷的獨立創作。所謂先鋒性,包括對主流與禁忌的挑戰,對觀念與美學的突破,對真相與弱勢的關切,兼具時代的精神與自由的意義。另設年度「致敬文藝復興人」,表揚華文世界文化藝術人物成就。獎項將於下半年「文藝復藝生活節」頒發。
文藝復興基金會是香港非牟利慈善文化機構,於 2012 年創辨,目的是培育創意人才,連結多元社群,為公民社會拓展空間。
文藝復興獎 2020 得獎名單
致敬文藝復興人—— 陳冠中
文藝復興音樂獎——《kinakaian 母親的舌頭》/ 音樂人:ABAO 阿爆(阿仍仍)
文藝復興劇情片獎——《叔.叔》/ 導演:楊曜愷
文藝復興紀錄片獎——《迷航》/ 導演:李哲昕
文藝復興純文學獎——《光隱於塵》/ 作者:周漢輝
文藝復興非虛構寫作獎——《時光悠悠美麗島:我所經歷與珍藏的時代》/ 作者:唐香燕
端 X 文藝復興傳播大獎——《看見生命的火花:德國高齡社會紀行》/ 作者:陳伊敏



唐香燕【時光悠悠美麗島】讀書座談。讀唐香燕《時光悠悠美麗島 》…

298 唐香燕【時光悠悠美麗島】讀書座談


298 唐香燕【時光悠悠美麗島】讀書座談

漢清講堂 2019年10月14日 與談人:唐香燕、陳忠信、洪銘水教授夫婦、曹永洋老師、蘇南洲夫婦、謝鷹興、陳文發、鍾漢清 唐香燕部落格 mylightning.blogspot.com 1979年,8月,《美麗島》雜誌社成立,陳忠信擔任執行編輯; 1979年,13日清...

今天是南洲安息主懷後的第五個生日,祝他在天上生日快樂 ! 誠如《私禱日新》的作者John Baillie(曾任蘇格蘭愛丁堡神學院院長,當代著名神學家)所說:他雖已永離麈世,可是他仍在主的愛與主的恩眷之中,而且此刻仍能與我們契合無間,不相分離 。
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVm4HayFCMo&t=2860s  約第51分鐘 蘇南洲

Hanching Chung https://hclectures.blogspot.com/2019/09/1014-13001700.html



唐香燕【時光悠悠美麗島】讀書座談)10月14日漢清講堂)唐香燕《時光悠悠美麗島》、《大度山風雲:我們第一屆東海人的故事 》

Hanching Chung https://hclectures.blogspot.com/....../blog-our......


唐香燕【時光悠悠美麗島】讀書座談唐。香燕不可思議的BLOG 寶庫:Our…

由《長歌行過美麗島:寫給年輕的你》作者唐香燕女士主講。題 目:心內彈琵琶----回憶蘇慶黎和蘇媽媽蕭不纏
題 目:心內彈琵琶----回憶蘇慶黎和蘇媽媽蕭不纏
時 間:2014年10月25日星期六下午3~5點
地 點:殷海光故居【台北市溫州街18巷16弄1-1號】

2024年10月4日 星期五

貓: cats, kitty, 漢清講堂280 歌川國芳:悪魔の浮世絵 The Cats of Utagawa KuniyoshiThe Cats of Utagawa Kuniyoshi. Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE: Doodles or Ukiyoe supernatural cat dancing ,台灣戰貓;Japan's Love-Hate Relationship With Cats. a 120-foot-long cat-like figure etched into the side of a hill in Peru.

Japan's Love-Hate Relationship With Cats

貓( cats, kitty) 雖非"十二生肖",勢力可"不相上下",甚或超出。

copycat 固然 已有貶意,原意指貓善模仿。或說牠們是動物界模仿人的"祖"。
someone who has few ideas of their own and does or says exactly the same as someone else:
You're just a copycat!

Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE: Doodles or Ukiyoe
A series of doodles by the famous artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi turn out to be carefully considered depictions of the kabuki actors of the day. What kind of artistic statement was he trying to make?
supernatural cat dancing 
Archaeologists recently found a 120-foot-long cat-like figure etched into the side of a hill in Peru. The geoglyph, which experts say dates back to up to 200 BC, is thought to be the oldest of the previously uncovered images at the Nazca Lines, a UNESCO heritage site filled with mammoth etchings of animals and plants created by ancient settlers of Peru.
According to Peru's Ministry of Culture, the image was "barely visible" and "about to disappear" because of natural erosion and its location on a steep hill. "It is striking that new figures can still be identified, but we know that there are others that can be found," Jhony Isla, the archaeologist in charge of the Nazca site, said to the Spanish news service EFE. "In recent years, the use of drones, which above all allow us to take images on hillsides, makes that possible."
Source: The Associated Press and Johny Isla.

Ebisu here may be the world’s first literal copycat:

Kitty see, kitty do: cat imitates human, in first scientific demonstration of behavior
Ability may be widespread in animal kingdom


Paul Klee - Katze lauert (Cat lying in wait), 1939

【台湾驻美代表 “战猫大使”萧美琴】
9月20日,台湾驻美代表萧美琴在自己个人推特帐号上将个人简介改为“台湾驻美大使”,引发外界注意和议论,甚至引来关于美台是否准备建交的揣测。上任至今2个多月天天行程满档,自诩为“战猫”的萧美琴形容自己的工作有如“拼命三郎”,目标是要在华盛顿为台湾争取更多空间,“Bi-khim Hsiao”在美国政界和媒体的能见度也在不断提高。在社交媒体上,就有网友称她是“战猫大使”。https://bit.ly/3ijoNv4

2024年9月29日 星期日

漢清講堂(YOUTUBE.COM) 缺 。巴黎聖母院的故事1163~2020 (The Story of Notre Dame Cathedral) 大鐘回歸 2024.12;修復需約15年......《創世記:傳說與譯註‧狸狸Lilith》;The Notre-Dame Crypt Reopens for the First Time Since the Fire

漢清講堂hc iTaiwan forum 缺"巴黎聖母院" ,很可惜,當時有準備許多PPT/SLIDES......
除主體之大修,另外有地下停車場/旅客接待中心;周遭道路整合 (主要給附近居民小道.....));後院花園之整合....
 The square in front of the cathedral and its surroundings are even set for a makeover. FRANCE 24's team went to meet local residents.

Exactly five years ago, the world watched in horror as Paris's Notre-Dame Cathedral was ravaged by flames. Today, carpenters and artisans are hammering away to meet a December 8 deadline for the Gothic landmark's grand reopening. Spectators attending the Paris Olympics this summer will already be able to admire the renovated structure from the outside. Meanwhile, life has resumed on the Île de la Cité, the island that's home to Notre-Dame in the historical heart of the French capital. The square in front of the cathedral and its surroundings are even set for a makeover. FRANCE 24's team went to meet local residents.



0:00 / 2:52

DW Culture
Two years ago today, Paris's Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral burned down during the night. The plans for its reconstruction are slowly taking shape. However, the restoration will probably take longer than until 2024, as originally planned.


雖然千瘡百孔,但仍傲然挺立在西岱島上。始建於12世紀下半葉的聖母院,在2019年4月15日經歷的可怕火災,重啟了它的建築工程。除去災難性的毀壞不說,聖母院揭開了它建築背後的秘密。兩年後的今天,聖母院的工地正在上演一項大型科學調查研究,研究調動了多個專家小組,尤其是建築材料中的石頭和鐵質器件組成聖母院的骨架。專家們正在研究這一骨架,以便了解12和13 世紀的工匠是如何建成一座,比同時代建築高得多的大教堂。同時還要為負責聖母院重建工程的建築設計師引導方向。
RFI.FR | 作者:RFI 華語 - 法國國際廣播電台

Towers Are Saved, but Two-Thirds of Roof Is Destroyed
Notre-Dame cathedral, the iconic symbol of the beauty and history of Paris, was scarred by an extensive fire on Monday evening.
“The worst has been avoided,” said President Emmanuel Macron on Monday night. No one was killed, officials said, and the cause was still unknown.
8m ago1534 comments

The Notre-Dame Crypt Reopens for the First Time Since the Fire

The Notre-Dame Crypt Reopens for the First Time Since the Fire


DW Culture

The grand organ of Notre Dame in Paris is the largest instrument in all of France. Although it suffered little damage in the devastating 2019 fire, it is in urgent need of restoration. By the end of the year, 8000 of the organ's pipes and other parts will be dismantled. The cleaning and restoration work is aimed for completion by 2024.

The grand organ of Notre Dame in Paris is the largest instrument in all of France. Although it suffered little damage in the devastating 2019 fire, it is in urgent need of restoration. By the end of the year, 8000 of the organ's pipes and other parts will be dismantled. The cleaning and restoration work is aimed for completion by 2024.

儒勒·米什萊(Jules Michelet,1798-1874)

Ruskin and Proust and the rest—who resurrected the glory of the Gothic for the world, turned their eyes more often to Chartres, with its blue-tinted interior, than to the Paris city church.

Notre Dame’s Architectural Legacy

 is also an engineering marvel

The French Senate has stipulated that Notre-Dame cathedral must be restored exactly how it was before the major fire that damaged the landmark.

the west façade of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris..
The Notre Dame de Paris is a very impressive medieval gothic church located on the Ile de la Cite Island in the middle of the River Seine in Paris ..a rich history of restorations to it and wonderful gothic architecture and neo-gothic architecture ( in 19th century restorations )

Architectural facade of Notre-Dame de Reims (artJazz/iStock)

Marc Chagall Notre-Dame in gray, 1955

Notre Dame Cathedral
at the Center of French Culture, History
As a hellish fire tore through the center of the 12th-century church, the world’s attention once again pivoted to this historic emblem of Paris and Christianity

Kenneth Clark's Civilisation

巴黎聖母院的故事1163~2019 (The Story of Notre Dame Cathedral)
9世紀 Viking

Notre-Dame in history/ By Richard and Clara Winston --
On sacred ground --
The cathedral crusade --
A Bible in stone --
Against heathen and heretic --
Invaded nation, divided faith --
Notre-Dame in eclipse --
A treasure preserved --
Notre-Dame in literature 

第九章、〈修復的故事:巴黎聖母院 理性的殿堂在此修復〉,選的是雨果小說聖母院初版的扉頁圖,

The Seine and Notre Dame 
主體 (1163~1250)
physically and spiritually the heart of Paris.
 Iakov Kalinin via Shutterstock

The Church Triumphant: The thirteenth century

The Story of Art By E. N. Gombrich


人類社會的政治與文化之機構與制度 institution

 Mary is honored by the faithful as the mother of God, but not worshiped. 
Notre Dame is French for "Our Lady" and refers to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the patroness of the school (many churches and chapels in France are dedicated to her under this name, such as the famous church in Paris, just as in Spanish-speaking countries they are dedicated to "Nuestra Señora").

【巴黎聖母院重建史】這座高聳的哥德式大教堂如同巴黎這座城市,儘管歷經許多黑暗時刻,總是能化險為夷。有鑑於過去數百年間,屢屢重建成功的故事,我們對於它的未來,應該要樂觀以待。對於世世代代的巴黎人而言,巴黎聖母院既是城市象徵,也是日常生活的景致。這裡不僅是學界研究的焦點,同時為熱門朝聖地點。聖母院的珍貴文物包括荊棘冠冕、真十字架碎片、聖釘以及聖路易祭袍,還有手稿、珠寶與餐杯等大量無價之寶,舉行過無數重要聚會及華麗盛典。十字軍在啟程打聖戰之前,會到此禱告;錯綜複雜的複音聖樂,也是在此被創作出來。不過聖母院同時是審判與苦難發生的地點:最後一任聖殿騎士團大團長雅克‧德‧莫萊(Jacques de Molay),就是在1314年於後殿旁的一座小島,被送上火刑柱燒死。

1793年,法國大革命一發不可收拾,反皇黨衝進聖母院,當時的政治家羅伯斯比還想把聖母院改為尊奉他的至上崇拜論。屋頂的鉛料被剝下製作子彈,銅鐘被熔化鑄造大砲,只有重達13公噸的以馬內利鐘(Emmanuel bell)得以倖免。革命分子拆下所有裝飾、搬走了雕像抑或將之去首,破壞了墳墓與窗。聖母院在當時有多不受重視,從它被當成倉庫存放物品可見一斑。

但說到聖母院真正的救世主,是1830年代雨果的小說,讓大眾注意到它的處境,從而引起人們對於所有具中古情懷事物的興趣。當時甫登基的法王路易‧菲利普一世,把為期25年的聖母院修復工作交給建築師尚巴提斯特安東尼‧拉素斯(Jean-Baptiste-Antoine Lassus)以及歐仁‧維奧萊勒杜克(Eugène Viollet-le-Duc),修復範圍包括聖母院西面、彩色玻璃以及諸王簷壁,也重建了尖塔與鐘樓;新增十二使徒雕像、著名的石像鬼與奇美拉簷壁,以及更新先前被熔掉的鐘。




【待開院敲響🔔】巴黎聖母院大鐘回歸 12月再度齊鳴



這些大鐘由卡車隊運抵現場、其中最重的一座超過4噸。主管此院、在其內為大鐘主持祝聖儀式的巴黎聖母院大都會大教堂總主教Olivier Ribadeau Dumas稱它們為教堂將要再次引起大家共鳴的信號、它的音聲將再為人所聞。這是召集祈禱者、呼號聚首的信號。

該院修復工程計劃總管Philippe Jost也將大鐘的到來視為教堂重生的絕美象徵,並說這些鐘將一個個掛上定位及測試,不過要等到開院日,它們才會一起敲響。

The history of France's Notre Dame Cathedral

“Notre-Dame is our history, our literature, part of our psyche, the place of all our great events, our epidemics, our wars, our liberations, the epicentre of our lives”


聖母大聖堂 (主教座堂:教區中的首要聖堂):關於歐洲文明、堅忍和重生、法國古往今來的故事

the Great Notre-Dame Fire of 1535

Notre-Dame is indisputably something of a patchwork of time and changing historical impulses and nineteenth-century folly.
Notre-Dame was once less valued than its sister churches due to its hodgepodge of architectural qualities. But this patchwork proved, in the end, central to its romance.

Photograph by LL / Roger Viollet / Getty

the plan for the Cathedral, made by Eugène Viollet-le-Duc, is pictured. 
apse :教堂屋頂:教堂後部(走廊頂端ambulatory)半圓形之頂。nave :中央走道:教堂中間自入口處到祭台前的走道,是進出聖堂必經之路。
The nave sits to the left, choir in the center, and apse and ambulatory to the right.

"We are heartbroken for the French people and those around the world for whom Notre Dame is a symbol of hope," Apple CEO Tim Cook wrote on Twitter


"You can appreciate great art of the Middle Ages and cathedrals of the Middle Ages whatever your religion, and even if you have no religion." NYU History professor Edward Berenson discusses the significance of Notre Dame Cathedral:

 "New Notre Dame bells make harmonious history". USA Today. Associated Press. 2 February 2013

 Philip the Fair Philippe le Bel),1268~1314

The “Mays”: 1630~1707,13件

city’s goldsmiths’ guild

The Crown of Thorns

The Tunic of Saint Louis


 sat around the spire 
Bronze Statuary

 Photo by Edouard-Denis Baldus in about 1865.

Alfred Stieglitz
Paris: the Seine 1894: New York 1897



 Notre Dame polyphony, Music of the Middle Ages; Notre Dame School


 major restoration needs to be done 
Notre Dame's Centuries-Old Organ

The outpouring of sorrow at devastation of Notre Dame shows the power of great houses of prayer.

“Rebuilding within five years? That’s political speak – just PR,” says a medieval historian

 some vault collapse, the rest will be in a parlous state due to thermal shock and so on.

Illustration of the Last Judgement, central portal of west facade
The serpent tempts Adam and Eve; Lady Lilith

Lady Lilith by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1866 to 1873, Oil on canvas, Delaware Art Museum, United States of America.
Lady Lilith is an oil painting by Dante Gabriel Rossetti first painted in 1866–1868 using his mistress Fanny Cornforth as the model, then altered in 1872–73 to show the face of Alexa Wilding.
Lilith, the subject of this painting, is described in Judaic literature as the first wife of Adam. She is associated with the seduction of men and the murder of children. The depiction of women as powerful and evil temptresses was prevalent in 19th-century painting, particularly among the Pre-Raphaelites. The artist depicts Lilith as an iconic, Amazon-like female with long, flowing hair. Her languid nature is reiterated in the inclusion of the poppy in the lower right corner—the flower of opium-induced slumber.

Archangel Michael and Satan weighing souls 

Notre-Dame in literature 著名文選(含詩)1.論建築, 1860  歐仁·埃馬紐埃爾·維奧萊-勒-杜克(Eugène Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc,1814年1月27日-1879 年9月17日)/ 2. Paris,1902  Joseph Hilaire Pierre René Belloc1870[1] – 1953) was an Anglo-French writer and historian.
3.羅丹 《法國大教堂》1914 /4. Coryat's Crudities By Thomas Coryat,1611//5. A Rough Sketch of Modern Paris By J. G. Lemaistre, 1802 /6. Paris and Parisians 1835 By Frances Trollope, 1836/ 7.The Innocents Abroad BY 馬克吐溫 1869/8 F. Rabelais《巨人傳 Gargantua》1535/9.雨果 《巴黎聖母院》1831/10 The Wandering Jew (novel) (category Novels by Eugène Sue) 1845/11. Henry James 《大使》1903/12.:The Rain-Beaten Cathedral, pp.159~160 高村 光太郎

Église Saint-Girons in Monein, France

Dagobert 603~639 
was the first of the Frankish kings to be buried in the royal tombs at Saint Denis Basilica.

Notre-Dame's façade showing the Portal of the Virgin, Portal of the Last Judgment, and Portal of St-Anne

Suger, Saint-Denis

Tympanum and lintel of the central portal, showing Last Judgement iconography (c. 1135, restored 1839)

Maurice de Sully
Bishop of Paris
1163年法國國王路易七世開工修建巴黎聖母院(Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris),直到1345年才完工。

owers on west façade (1220–1250).

 Temple of Jerusalem by King Solomon, by Jean Fouquet

Last Communion and Martyrdom of Saint Denis, by Henri Bellechose, 1416

 Rabelais ,La vie très horrifique du grand Gargantua ,1534
 Gargantua on the towers of the Notre-Dame is by Gustave Doré,

Napoleon Bonaparte crowning himself emperor in Notre Dame, December 1804. Jacques-Louis David and Georges Rouget

"But [THE HUNCHBCK OF NOTRE DAME] isn’t just a celebration of what makes Notre Dame great. It’s a reminder that Notre Dame has been rebuilt before — and it can be again."



The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (French: Notre-Dame de Paris, "Our Lady of Paris") 1831『ノートルダム・ド・パリ』(Notre-Dame de Paris)
Esmerelda from The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo, illustrated by Gustave Brion

Eugène Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc

Saint Thomas on the spire, resembling Viollet-le-Duc

1844, 修復Notre-Dame Cathedral.
 Viollet-le-Duc, 30歲、 Lassus, 37歲,
In 1844, with the backing of Mérimée, Viollet-le-Duc, just thirty years old, and Lassus, then thirty-seven, won a competition for the restoration of Notre-Dame Cathedral.

Early six-part rib vaults of the nave. The ribs transferred the thrust of the weight of the roof downward and outwards to the pillars and the supporting buttresses.

Cross-section of the double supporting arches and buttresses of the nave, drawn by Eugène Viollet-le-Duc as they would have appeared from 1220 to 1230


12 Apostles

Choir gate ) 唱經樓;Reliquary 聖髑盒

Yet keeping them standing is a headache

I建築輸水管道噴口終端。llustration by Luc-Olivier Merson ( 1845-1920)

Gargoyles perched upon the north tower

Two of Notre Dame’s oldest inhabitants enjoying the view of the Eiffel Tower. Neirfy via Shutterstock

A strix on west facade;Chimera on the facade

[Eugène Atget’s “Notre-Dame” (1925) and “Notre-Dame (portail), detail” (1921–22). Gelatin silver printing-out-paper print. Abbott-Levy Collection. Partial gift of Shirley C. Burden]

Window of the Chapel of Saint-Clotilde designed by Viollet-le-Duc (1864)

 Rodin 出版 《法國大教堂》之後 Reim Cathedral 被炸 著火 Rodin 感到很喪氣

Notre-Dame fire: 
Disaster planning at the cathedral underestimated risks, and even a flawless response had a built-in delay of about 20 minutes, from the moment the alarm sounded until firefighters could climb to the attic to begin battling a fire.

JMW Turner, 
Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Paris, 1826

1886, Vincent van Gogh, The Roofs of Paris and Notre-Dame, 1886

Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot, Quai des Orfèvres et pont Saint-Michel, 1833

Maximilien Luce
The Quai Saint-Michel and Notre-Dame, 1901

 "Notre Dame" by Henri Matisse. 
(c. 1900), the Quai Saint-Michel, Courtesy of the @Tate.

Henri Matisse, View of Notre-Dame, 1914

Maximilien Luce, Notre-Dame de Paris, 1900. 無名氏

Edward Hopper, Notre Dame, 1907

The Spire of Notre-Dame
Robert Delaunay,  1909

Edmund Dulac (1882-1953) 1912
Illustration pour le poème d’Edgar Allan Poe, “The Bells” (in “ The Bells and other poems “) - 1912

Notre Dame and Joan of Arc, Samuel Grasset, 1898

Notre Dame, the Effect of Sunlight, 1906

[Eugène Atget’s “Notre-Dame” (1925) and “Notre-Dame (portail), detail” (1921–22). Gelatin silver printing-out-paper print. Abbott-Levy Collection. Partial gift of Shirley C. Burden]


László Moholy-Nagy

The first anniversary of the death of General Charles de Gaulle at the Notre Dame in Paris in November 9, 1971. Credit: Jean-Claude Deutsch/Paris Match/Getty Images

June 26, 2018

 ‘A Young Woman in Paris’ with NOTRE DAME rising majestically in the background. Artist Guerrier Victor (1893-1968)

"Hours of Étienne Chevalier", Tours c. 1452-1460

Notre-Dame de Reims cathedral - where 33 kings of France were crowned -- goes up in flames in 1914, after it was bombed by the German army in World War I.
Concrete rafters replaced the original oak wood ones destroyed during the fire.

 Saint-Eustache catholic church 
Parisians gathered for Easter Sunday mass at the smaller ...on the city's right bank,

法國企業文化捐款扣稅的爭議:電子遊戲「刺客教條:大革命」開發商Ubisoft 捐出50萬歐元

France’s Wealthy Are Throwing Cash at Notre-Dame Amid a Fight Over Inequality


聖母院大火中完全毀滅的包括尖頂和木造頂部天花,而這次燒掉的尖頂,其實是19世紀建築師Eugène Viollet-le-Duc所設計

First the fire, now the rain.

Foster + Partners has proposed a glass and steel replacement that will be “light and airy” for the cathedral’s ruined roof.


題名 Notre-Dame de Paris
Winston, Richard.
Winston, Clara.
Newsweek, inc. Book Division.
Notre-Dame de Paris (Cathedral)
Cathedrals -- France -- Paris
Paris (France) -- Buildings, structures, etc
An illustrated history of the Gothic cathedral which has figured in important events for eight hundred years.
Notre-Dame in history
/ By Richard and Clara Winston --
On sacred ground --
The cathedral crusade --
A Bible in stone --
Against heathen and heretic --
Invaded nation, divided faith --
Notre-Dame in eclipse --
A treasure preserved --
Notre-Dame in literature
1.論建築, 1860
歐仁·埃馬紐埃爾·維奧萊-勒-杜克(Eugène Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc,1814年1月27日-1879 年9月17日)為法國建築師與理論家,最有名的成就為修復中世紀建築。法國歌特復興建築(Gothic Revival)的中心人物,並啟發了現代建築。出生於巴黎;在瑞士洛桑過世。
2. Paris,1902
Joseph Hilaire Pierre René Belloc (/hɪˈlɛər ˈbɛlək/; French: [ilɛʁ bɛlɔk]; 27 July 1870[1] – 16 July 1953) was an Anglo-French writer and historian.
3.羅丹 《法國大教堂》1914
4. Coryat's Crudities By Thomas Coryat,1611
5. A Rough Sketch of Modern Paris By J. G. Lemaistre, 1802
6. Paris and Parisians 1835 By Frances Trollope, 1836
7.The Innocents Abroad BY Samuel Langhorne Clements 馬克吐溫 1869
8 F. Rabelais《巨人傳 Gargantua》1535
9.雨果 《巴黎聖母院》1831
10 The Wandering Jew (novel) (category Novels by Eugène Sue) 1845
11. Henry James 《大使》1903
12. 高村 光太郎(Kōtarō Takamura たかむら こうたろう、1883年(明治16年)3月13日 - 1956年(昭和31年)4月2日)は、日本の詩人・歌人・彫刻家・画家。
1921年的詩英譯:The Rain-Beaten Cathedral, pp.159~160